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Connie's Giveaway for Today!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am sooooo sorry this is being put in late but no matter. Not a good day at my doctor's office to have stitches removed. What should have been a fifteen minute "snip" appointment took 2 hours!! That really frosted my cookies because we had other plans that could not be put aside. But that will NOT ruin the rest of my day!!

Okay, my sweet chickadees, here is what I'm giving away today. I woke up and thought about doing this but didn't have anything especially "special" to give away, but here it is. Now, the only - and I mean ONLY - thing you have to do is post a comment here. The names will then be put in a hat and drawn on saturday morning. Be sure and leave me your email, if I don't already have it, so I can email you!!!!!

The above photo is all of it. Explanation follows below each photo.

A sweet silk rose in a dusky pink to do with as you please. Place it under a dome or in a cup with some faux grass or pin to a jacket or blouse.

A simple handful of buttons can brighten my day. I love little buttons to decorate with.

This is a sweet little chick for hanging. I call her Mortie. Yep, love that cute little name.

A postcard of a view of a lake with sailboats from a porch with a wicker rocker. Lighthouse is on there also and a pot of flowers. Just to hang somewhere for those who don't get to oceans, lakes, streams or ponds very often. Or you could frame it as I've done with many, many of mine.

This looks like a simple vial, but let me tell you it isn't! It is filled with the luscious fragrance of the Hawaiian islands - plumeria. If you've never smelled it you are in for a treat. It will fragrance a room for months.

I took a sachet of this to my surgeon's office and Debbie, his nurse, says it smells up the whole examining room! And let me tell you it can definitely get "odorous" in there!!

A handful of pale green ribbons. Fun to craft with or just toss in a pretty glass container and feast your eyes on them.

A handful of lovely little pink ribbon roses. Again, toss into a glass container and enjoy the view!

A handful of pale pink ribbons to craft with also or........well, you get the point by now, right??!!!?

And lastly, a sachet fragranced with this wonderful plumeria fragrance.

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