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Tagged by the Vickster!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Miss Vickie from our group has tagged me. I must tell 5 things about myself and tag 5 others. So here goes:

1. What was I doing 10 years ago? I was not into blogging for sure! I was just staying home and fulfilling a calling in my church with the young women.

2. Five things on my "To Do" list:
Clean my desk off inside and out
Decorate some clothespins
Make some cute laundry bags
Wallpaper the outside panels of my kitchen cabinets
Call for an appointment for a massage!!!!!

3. Snacks I enjoy: pretzels, popcorn, mocha ice cream and potato chips

4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire:
Invest most of it
Give some to kids
Add on a craft room to this house

5. Five places I have lived:

Okay, now I have to tag 5 people! I'm tagging
Dolly of frommycherryheart
Rhea of sweetnshabbyroses
Niki of nostalgiaatthestonehouse
Winter of sophisticatedrose
Susie Q of rabbitruncottage


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