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I'm Trying to Be the Storage Queen or Please Don't Notice My Dust!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I really do have to give credit to a lady that I bought this darling basket from on ebay. Her name is Ellen and I'd suggest you take a look at her items!

Edit: Okay the Flickr photos are ready for y'all to view, all you lovely chicks! Just go to my storage solutions by clicking HERE. I heard a quote many, many years ago and it stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing but it goes something like this: Don't have anything in your home that isn't useful or that you don't consider beautiful. That's been my mottos for 47 years of marriage. Your home is your celestial place on earth. Enjoy!

I know, I know, but I'm working as fast as I can, chickadees!! Yes, I'm participating in the Show and Tell Sunday but I just heard about it.....yeah, I know, I've seen it advertised but it didn't HIT me until the last second. I've getting some photos ready and will post back on here in an hour or so. There are so many that I'm uploading them to Flickr with comments for ya.

I am not usually like this but things have gotten away from me the last week with the surgery on my hand. "Stop whining", you say. Okay, let me get to work on this. Just a sample of what is to come. Trust me, there will be a lot of photos! Oooooh, and don't look at the dust on the lids of the boxes either. Promise????

Hubby was in the Marine Corps and this is a "field desk." I use it for stereo equipment. Paint it white, throw a pretty cloth over it and voilà, it's an end table and FREE!

See all that "stuff" in there - completely hidden, yep! Who woulda guessed?!?!

End table, right??!!! Nope. The kids bought us a television because we stopped watching television about 20 years ago. They wanted one when they came to visit so they could bring their DVDs so they bought it when they flew up here a couple of years ago. It won't go up into the attic over the garage so what was I going to do with it??? Put some surplus plywood left over from hubby's new "train room" he made in the 3rd car garage, throw a cover over it and voilà, it's an end table! Dilemma solved with a creative solution. It only comes out about once or twice a year when they visit!

See. Thought I was kidding, huh?!?! Hah.

This little jewel was hubby's foot locker in boot camp! Now??? Full of old blankets. Paint it white and throw the pillows from the bed on it every night and voilà, it's NOT an end table, but a catchall!!


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