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Hubby and His Ties.....egads!!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hubby and I went to Boise today for a trellis - 2 actually - for the back yard patio. Still trying our best to get it romantic and usable, which is quite a feat in this desert. Anyway, we made a side trip.

He bought some ties. Now, you have to understand that anything and everything is worthy of a photo shoot to me: dinners, veggies, roses, "toes" recovering from surgery and even TIES!!! Yesssss........ties!!!!

Below in the first photo is his selection today. I love ties but mine are much more "flamboyant" than his. In the second and third photo are my selections over the years. He has many more but I'm just showing you a few to give you the idea. Some of them are out of date in style but who cares. They'll come back in style soon..........probably..........hopefully. My absolute favorite is the one with roses on it. I bought it for him at Macy's years ago. I saw it on the mannequin with a checked or plaid shirt - can't remember now - but I bought him the shirt and the tie. He's not concerned about being "macho" (especially worthy of note is that he is a retired Marine!) and will wear anything I buy him. Now, that's a brave man!

But they are all gorgeous! My opinion anyway! Besides, it is, after all, our 47th anniversary today! Now, for a night of.............well, I'll leave it to your imagination....... HAH!!!!

Oh, I'll post my purchases later today or tomorrow. I got the prettiest vintage roses chippy shabby mirror frame and a cake plate and a box........... just wait and see!!!


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