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Vintage Chippy Spice Rack

Monday, June 30, 2008

WOW! A sweet aussie chick came up with a grand idea and it's doable! The lettering can be changed so I can add the world "Glitter" if you want for all you "glitter bugs"! If you buy it the choice is yours what you want on there: Spices or Glitter or whatever you want that will fit in that space!!!.

Isn't this cute? I was going to keep it but I looked around my kitchen and there was absolutely no place for it! I'm disappointed but I'll sell it on my other blog - La Maison Rose.

I call my kitchen, actually my whole house, a "senior" house, my little cherubs, because the kitchen barely accommodates 2 of us and I usually throw hubs out! It's a good size, just not the type for 2 cooks and you KNOW who stays!!! The "primary prep area" is in the corner and the dishes/glasses are above that. We just get in each other's way. I'm truly trying to figure out how to remedy this problem. Nuuuuuuu, I ain't let "the hubs" cook! Have you ever heard of "scrapple"??!!! Well, he likes that stuff and we can't get it out here in the west. It's a Pennsylvania "specialty" and I use that term verrrrry loosely!!! And he'd completely destroy my stove!

If anyone can think of any other use for it, I might just keep it, but I put "Spices" on it!! Aaaarrrghh....... Grumble, grumble............

Tickled Pink!

Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm just tickled pink over what I finally got in the mail today! Three little metal lacy looking pedestals for showing off pretty things. Take a look at what I selected to put in them in the first picture, my sweet little chickadees. Plus they were on sale for an absolute "steal"!

Plus I walked over to a neighbor's garage sale this weekend and she gave me those little salt and pepper shakers on the right side! We'd given her a big "pine-type" tree; at least, I think it's pine. Something like a Scotch pine only the needles aren't quite as long. Anyway, it was too close to our house and couldn't find any place else to put it and I wasn't too keen on that tree anyway - not much shade. So we asked them and they were thrilled to put it in their back yard. So she brought down a "pink" lily a few days ago and then these salt and pepper shakers. I've painted them pink and just may put them in my store. They are very pretty and elegant looking but I truly don't need any more!

Then I just wanted to show you the little tag tree with some pretty silk roses in it. I might do something else also, just not quite sure yet.

Plus I gotta tell you chickadees that I finally couldn't stand it any more!! I finally told hubby to look at the LR window and see if he noticed anything different. I knew from the look on that face that it was one of "let's not play this game again" looks, so I told him I liked him better when he drank! Puzzled, he looked at me. I said "you were more chuckly when you had a scotch and water." I guess it kind of sobered him a bit because he then chuckled. I'm just a wild and craaazzzzy gal!!!! Anyway, he didn't notice so I told him about the curtains. He just doesn't notice and I think I'd better give up before he tosses me out into the front fountain or I "toss my cookies" from suspense! Oh, we gave up the little alcohol we DID drink when we joined the church. Nuuuuuu, we're not alcoholics and never were unless you consider 3 drinks a year for me and 1 drink a month for him.

Recipe Swap - Cooked Cucumbers

Sunday, June 29, 2008

You might say "cooked cucumbers? yuck" but non non, mes amis, il est magnifique and will be a hit with just about anybody. An easy gourmet recipe. I sometimes do NOT measure anything because I just go by what feels right for the 2 of us. But this recipe should be enough for 4 people. Besides, use your imagination and experiment with your creativity, my little french chefs!! A little of this, a pinch of that and voilà, a masterpiece!

Butter about 1-2 Tblsp
Heavy whipping cream
Salt and pepper to taste

Peel 2 or 3 cucumbers. With a spoon, scoop out the seeds and cut into slices about 1/4 of an inch and then cut those in half. Then macerate the cucumbers in a bowl of water with about a tblsp of vinegar for about 1/2 hour. (I use red wine vinegar because that's the only kind of vinegar I buy and it works just fine.)
After the hour drain cukes and pat dry with paper towels. Proceed after the hour with the next part.

Chop up some scallions including some of the green part for color. Put some butter in a skillet and add the scallions. Fry slowly until golden and then add the cucumbers. Then add in some heavy whipping cream. Heat a few minutes slowly and serve immediately. Add salt and/or pepper to taste.

Bedroom Redo of the Redo!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sorry, but I've changed my mind again! While going through some things today I found this scarf I bought about 2 years ago. Got to thinkin'! A beautiful scarf with some of the colors in the vintage looking french postcard border on the wall, it just seemed to scream at me. So I put it up there and it truly looks better than anything I've tried so far. I have so much fabric and "stuff" that I truly don't know all I have!

Into our 4th day of hubs being back from trip and still hasn't noticed the new LR curtains! LOL

My Patio Redo & Sale Finds Today!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I scheduled my "Pink Saturday" a few days ago so I wouldn't have to post today. Actually, I schedule several posts in advance in case something comes up. I LOVE doing it this way. Anyhooooo, here I am at the end of a fast-paced day telling you my drama!! No, not really...... I am SOOOOOO not a drama queen!!!! I say in my best "Valley Girl Voice"!! Hah. Plus I want to show you all my best finds today at "yard sailing"! Ooooh, you are going to be sooooo jealous, my chittering chimps, soooo envious..........

I see some bloggers sharing their renovations: kitchens, houses, decks, baths and so on, so I've decided to share with you all the pathetic back yard we have. We moved in to this new construction 3 years ago next month. We sodded the front yard and it's lush, green and luxurious. The back yard - not so much! We hydroseeded that. I'm not sorry because it was a lot cheaper but the difference in the grass is a big difference. We've been extremely busy with the rest of the house and you chicks who have moved will follow me on this one! It's never finished, right?!?! Nuuuuuu, takes us a looooooooong time to get it the way we want.

I bought these sheer voile panels for $7.50 a piece and Love Bunny put up the brackets, purchased the pipe and here we have it for tonight. I love the romantic feel. Ooooh, noooooooo, my sweet cherubs, I'm definitely not done. The bike goes! The bird poo gets cleaned off the patio. The table will be replaced with a square one and I intend to find new pretty chairs for just the 2 of us. If more people come for dinner we'll grab a couple of folding chairs out of the storage shed! This patio is going to be our romantic spot for just US!

Above pix as seen from the fence.

Hubs grape vine. Can you see the panels billowing in the breeze? Aaaaah, love it, my sweets.

My little star jasmine I insisted on having. Actually, there wasn't any "insisting"; hubs loves them too and it reminds us of our home in California. Can you imagine the breeze drifting in through our patio door bringing the scent of that jasmine??? Ummmmm

The grill will have to be moved onto some stones I plan on putting down at the end of the patio.

Now for the big deal of the century.

Look at that oil painting I purchased today for $1.99!!! Yes, you read that right - $1.99! I love, LOVE, LoVe it! Isn't it exquisite?!?! I'm not going to frame the canvas, just hang it on the wall when we're through with the renovation. Ooooh, I didn't mention that either. Well, we're changing a half wall into a full wall in the LR area but that's for another time and down the line a few months. I'll have more WALL SPACE to hang more pictures, my love bugs!! Ooooh, be still my heart............. You do KNOW it was the hat with roses that clutched my heart, right?!?!

And this little "tree" for $1.99 also! I was very lucky today. The pot part is clay and was that pottery color but I immediately painted it white. It is going to be hung with something exquisite but I'm not sure yet. Maybe my hang tags people send me??? Don't know exactly for sure yet. But the top is as it was - haven't done a thing to that. I've never seen one like this!

"Pink Saturday" June 28th!

Friday, June 27, 2008

I guess by now I don't have to tell you that PINK is my favorite color. I thought for today we'd go through some of the things in my home up close and personal! Explanations will be below each photo.

Decals I made and put on my kitchen pantry.

My fridge doesn't contain inane stuff; I don't allow it. I want only the things that are pleasing to the eye. I made these little magnets for the fridge door except for the Joann one. I use that because it's PINK and because it is the most "magnetic" magnet I've ever had - very strong! I have that one and a purple one and can't find them at Joanns any more. But the calendar is essential for keeping track of my Love Bunny/hubs schedule. Do NOT believe that when kids leave home it improves. They lied; it doesn't!!
Pink petal cake I made that graces my family room, a pink box I store things in and a glimpse of a sweet pillow in there also.

A bouquet of pink, yellow and white roses with the most unusual texture and feel I've ever felt. They almost feel like rubber and are NOT fragile at all. I purchased them a long time ago and have not been able to find any more of them, but they are NICE.

A little pink Christmas or Holiday tree I made that never sold. I love it and it has my first attempt at HP roses on an old piece of wood. Can you imagine someone NOT buying this adorable little creation from me???? *Smile*................. ;-)

This is a little wreath I found in Oregon years ago. Another lovely texture - I'm a very tactile person, little chickadees, and need to touch anything that doesn't say "Hands Off"! But I love it and won't ever part with it.

This is an original painting by a sweet friend of mine in my ebay group - Lorena - and it's a hand painted holiday stocking in the shabby chic style! She has lovely paintings and has even done a "special order" for me with a bathroom shelf. I know you would never be disappointed in her items. They are fantastic. So go take a look at her.

A tabletop vignette I have. I just pizzazzed up the round coffee table by putting on a vintage Wilendur tablecloth in pink clover and lime ribbons! I am an adventurous women, I tell ya. But it just "perks" up that room so much. I have it so might as well use it instead of sticking it back in a cupboard or shelf somewhere.

A lovely down filled Scandia pillow I purchased years ago in California at the Valley Fair Mall in San Jose - absolutely, unequivocally my favorite mall in the world! I miss it and will probably request that my daughter take me to it when we're down there next week. It has a Crabtree & Evelyn store and I LOVE their fragrances! Plus many "upscale" stores in the mall. Just delightful. But this pillow is among my favorites.

This toile is among the top 5 of my all time favorite fabrics. It's very hard to find but I manage! :-) I've ordered some more to make the LR curtains a bit fuller than they are because I used every single bit of this fabric I had to make them tuesday night!

I have 2 little hangers that are similar that I have taken with me whenever we've moved. They just bring joy to me when I hang a coat or shirt on them. One is this rose and the other one is a fan. I'll show that one next week perhaps. I've said I only have things of beauty in my home and I stick to that pretty much 99.9% of the time. But for me it's pretty hard to find "beauty" in power tools! Hubby insists though.....what's a chick to do?!?!?!

A little ceramic container I decoupaged last week, a Putz house purchased at an antique store and a bell I decoupaged also. Just sweet visual effects - "eye candy" - around my home. Makes my heart happy and puts a smile on my face.

A sign I made from a piece of virgin redwood we saved from our prior home. It just means a lot to me and it hang on my trellis divider in LR/DR.

These are just some tags and creations people who love and adore me sent to me. ;-) I am truly blessed to have women who think so much of me that they help adorn my home with their lovely creations!

A little clothespin bag I made today and put on my selling blog - La Maison Rose (The Pink House) to sell and added a little surprise to go along with it for the celebration of my 300th post this week! You might want to check it out, my little pink cupcakes.

Anchoring My BR Window

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I changed my bedroom window treatment also while hubs was away. (BTW, it's 8:30 pm - 24 hrs exactly since he got home from northern Idaho and he's still not noticed the new curtains in the LR!) Not too too much but I took down some darker draperies I made several years ago and put more sheers up with the lace. I thought it needed a little something and have been experimenting all day with different fabrics and vintage tablecloths and a piece of the most gorgeous fuchsia silk fabric eveeeerrrr to top off the top. I've settled on the middle back Wilendur roses tablecloth in the 2nd photo. I was able to get just enough out of it for a triangle. I'm loving the whiter look in there and everywhere in the house and all the other white shabby chic homes I've seen!!

And hubs doesn't know it yet but our bedroom suite and the oak dining room table and chairs will one day be WHITE!! All in good time, my little rose friends, all in good time. ;-)

And the little wood coat hangers are for sale on my selling blog - La Maison Rose.

I Had To Do One For Hubbbbbyyy!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm not too sure he'd request this kind of lamp. :-) Actually, as long as it gives him light he doesn't care a bit what they look like. But I just had to make a matching one for hubby's side of the bed!!

I stripped everything off of this shade - rose petals, leaves, gimp, GLUE (broke a nail doing this one, chicks!), etc., but I saved the shade!! Hey, it's hard enough to find lamp shades in the sizes I need at a reasonable price. Don't fret; I'm keeping it also.

Okay, gotta tell ya this one.

I picked up my Love Bunny at the airport at 8:30 last night. We got home and I was wondering how long it would take him to notice the new curtains in the living room. (Even tried to make a bet with my ebay group, but had no takers!) While he was gone I made LR curtains, took down some in MBR and put up sheers, spray painted a little corner cupboard, plus a couple of other things not as "significant." So I wasn't going to say anything and I haven't except for one thing. I asked him if he noticed anything different in that area (his corner of the BR). He looked and said "what". I said "the cupboard." He said "what about it?" I said "I painted it white" - keeping a smile on my face instead of smacking him on the noodle! He said "what color was it before?" (DuuuUUUUhhhHHH!) I said "a kind of green, dark mustard tole painting on it." He said "what's that just under the knob." I said "a mistake; I'll fix it later."

Now I'm just wondering in what century he'll notice the new LR curtains and that the curtains are gone from the bedroom????? Hmmmmmmmmm????

Flea Market Lamp Redo

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Got this little lampshade for a song, my little cupcakes! Whadda ya think??? I may sell the lampshade and I just may keep it. It casts a very romantic glow with the light on!

On Decorating.....................

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I stayed up late last night trying to decide which curtains and arrangement I liked best for this window. I tried 2 or 3 different ways of adding a freshness to it. The first picture was last night with the fragonard and the Waverly Tiny Toile and the sheer voile with the lace panels in the center drawn up with my handmade ribbon roses. I wanted the sheers for 2 reasons - privacy and softness. Lace and sheers provide an element of privacy while still allowing light and views to come through. I like that. I need that! If you've seen my home on Flickr by clicking on the little icon to the right here and at the top of the page you can see the old curtains I made several years ago. I love those curtains but I wanted something fresh, lighter and different. The fragonard fabric was my choice because it is at the top of the list of favorite fabrics.

I've ordered some more fragonard fabric because I think it looks a tad "skimpy" and I like "lushness" in most things for my home. It is very difficult for amateur photographers to get the beauty of the room and fabrics. (Let me say here that I have the greatest respect for stylists of those photo shoots also. Arranging it for magazines can NOT be easy, my chickadees!) On just about any photo I've taken I can look at it later and say "why didn't I remove this or that" or "how did that get in the picture"?! Something is always wrong but it's just for blogging so I don't fret about it.

Anyway, when seen in photographs we sometimes don't see the fabrics closely and might say to ourselves I don't think that goes at all. Soooo in that vein I'm showing you that the fabrics do indeed "go" together when seen as a whole. They do in my eye and that's the person I'm trying to please. Keep that in mind when you are decorating - you have only one person to please: yourself.

As I was composing this post I thought about that sofa and how old it was. I purchased it just before I was hosting a baby shower for a friend. The "baby" is now 13! So the sofa is 13 years old and looks like it came off the showroom floor yesterday. That's what happens when you buy from a good company - Ethan Allen - and when you buy "timeless" furniture. I absolutely love that sofa and the fabric I chose. You can see the closeup in the very last photo. Plus I take excellent care of my home, furnishings and Love Bunny!

Last night.

This morning!

Closeup of chair fabric. It's like a vintage kilim and I love it with it's mustard yellow, sage green, lavender (yes, there is lavender in there!) and pink.

This chair is only 3 years old but I love the look and the checks on the side with the floral on the front. It's a dark red but soooo beautiful in person.

I thought you like to see the true brightness of the pink of this fabric. It is an absolutely gorgeous fabric and does indeed add a freshness to that room. Oooooh, I wish all our you could come and visit and experience this room. Well, I like it anyway!

I chose this fabric myself when ordering the sofa. I knew it would last, was a taupe and would go with just about anything I'd put with it and looked elegant but not so much that I couldn't dress it down. Plus it looks like embroidery.

Now I'm off to iron shirts for hubby and kick around a few more ideas. I'm up to my eyeballs in sheer voile though and can't wait to put it out on the back patio!! Plus tomorrow I'll show you the new window treatment in our bedroom.

What a Day!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I started out at 5:30 am. (I'm an early riser.) I got a massage at 10 and then went to WM to pick up some more voile sheers to hang in bedroom. Remember I talked about getting them for the patio or did I?? Hmmm.....anyway I went back and got 4 more after the 6 pairs I got saturday. It brightened up the bedroom considerably! So I still have enough for the patio. But then I decided to change my curtains in the living room. I was just ready for a change and have some fabric I'm thinking of using - 2 toiles, one a pale Laura Ashley and one a brighter pink with a girl and a boy on it. It's a very popular fabric and difficult to find even though I did find a place to buy it and I ain't telling!!! So I only have 3 1/2 yds of each fabric. I'm up and down the ladder hanging more sheers on each side along with some absolutely gorgeous lace purchased many years ago at Spiegels. Okay, lace in middle pulled up with my handmade roses, then the sheer voile on the sides and then a "color fabric" to anchor it all on the side but not on the glass part because I need more light in there. So "color fabric" will be on the walls not windows. After hiking up and down and testing the fabric I came up with this:

Now, as I said, I'm limited with the fabric so it won't work unless I cut it down the middle and use just 1/2 width or about 27" not including the hemming on the sides. So I thought of combining the 2 fabrics like this: end will be bright pink toile, next the light pink toile, sheer voile all on a small rod (look at pix to see it) and then still keep the lace curtains tacked to the woodwork and drawn up like seen here. I usually create my own style anyway and don't give a whit what other people think. Somehow it all comes together for me and usually draws rave reviews and gasps from people. I need a bit more fullness in the width; that's why I'm thinking of doing it like this. Full and lush instead of skimpy. I will make a short width of both fabrics to be enough for both sides.

Then while fussing around with all that I decided to paint a little corner cabinet my daughter was going to throw out!! It was dark and kind of country looking but I threw a couple coats of paint on it today and put it back in hubby's corner of the bedroom. I let just enough of the green show through to give it that shabby chippy look. Looks much better in that corner.

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh my sweet little birdies, I didn't mean ME; I meant the chair covers!!! And some people have emailed me asking where the slip/chair cover comes from. Okay, here is that sweet lady's website. She is an absolute doll and she MOST affordable covers I've ever seen!!!!!!!

Ronda's Chair Covers


There's a story behind this!!

The last couple of years I've gone through 2 or 3 of those "el cheapo" chair floor pads because our floor is carpet with thick padding and they keep breaking. I'm tired of giving Mr. Costco so much money so I had an idea! Nuuuuuuuuu, some of my ideas are quite good actually!!!! Be nice. :-)

Okay, a couple of weeks ago I asked my little Love Bunny if he'd take some of the scraps left from his model train room in the 3rd car garage and put it down in my office. Nice thick plywood, right?! Well, it started "splintering" with these rollers on the chair. Hmmmm, so I got to thinkin' again! Nuuuuuuuuuuuu, good idea, chicks! I asked him to paint it and then we'd varnish it to protect it from further "splintering."

Now, I wanted this done friday and saturday because hubs was to leave for northern Idaho for a convention and be gone for 3 days. (I must say here that I'm not a patient person when I get one of my hare-brained........uhhhhhhh, I mean BRILLIANT ideas! Sooooo the only color of paint he had a full can of was bright red. I said that'll do because I didn't want him running to Home Depot, just wanted the job done. It is truly a TRUE red and not at all orangish as in the pix. Candy Apple Red!! Then he quickly sprayed it and saturday gave it 2 coats of varnish because he'd be leaving sunday morning. The pix below is the result. This was a "quick fix" and if it starts splintering again hubs said we'll get better plywood and paint and varnish BEFORE the wheels of the chair crunch it! But I really love it now that I'm used to it. However, if it has to be redone I'm going "PINK"!!!!!!

Now, the other pix...........squeeeeeaaalllllllllll........is of the roses office chair cover I ordered and it arrived today!!! I couldn't have been more delighted with it!!! il est adorable, non?!?! I absolutely adore it and just had to share as quickly as these fingers could type, my little cupcakes!!!!!!!! Isn't this space just beautiful?!?!?!?!?! I love it!

I Lead a Charmed Blessed Life!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I just thought that first of all I'd share what I did yesterday with some jars of olives and marshmallow creme when we finished with them. Easy to do and you have an endless supply of jars from which to choose, my sweet chickees! I have the old salt and pepper shakers a "Pink Redo" also!!


I am so grateful to the Lord for all of my blessings that I've decided to thank him on my blog today and to put some things in perspective.

I am soooooo incredibly blessed! I have a husband who loves me beyond reason and puts up with my shenanigans and moods on an hourly basis! I have a home with more bedrooms than there are people in the house. I have 2 bathrooms while some people don't even have one. I have 2 cars paid for: a 12 years old Mitsubishi Montero and an 8 years old Camry and don't lust after a new car which won't get me where I want to go any faster or better than those 2 cars and saves me car payments. I have roses in my front yard. I have a private back yard with a fence. Since we bought this home new 3 years ago I have a new refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher and soft water. Never in my life have I had every appliance in my kitchen new! I have a soft water system. I have a power mower for hubs(!) to cut our grass. I have my 2 kids and 4 grandkids. I have more than a couple changes of clothing in my closet and dresser. I have furniture in my home with carpet for my tootsies. I have a washer and dryer and they're still working marvelously after 10 years. I have computers and books. I have enough food that I could help my neighbors if they were in need. I have ears, nose and eyes that can work exquisitely well for ANY age but certainly for MY age! I have shoes to wear - they may not ALL fit these feet now after the surgery last year, but some of them DO and for that I'm very grateful!!! I have an iron and an ironing board. I have more fabric than one chick should be allowed to have! I have so much craft stuff it's pathetic. :-) I have the love of my church family and if I ever needed something I know they'd be here within minutes. I have enough money for every possible NEED I have and some for WANTS, which are few! I have a brand new church building that is exquisite. I have a sense of humor and trust me, I don't see that in a LOT of people. I am blessed with incredible good health, for which some people have told me that they'd give up any and every thing they have to have good health. My kids and grandkids are well, happy and are blessed with the good things in life and still have a love for the gospel. I am blessed to be able to pay tithing and have that blessing be returned to me in ways that are unbelievable and extraordinary and even inconceivable. I have love and compassion in my heart for everyone. (Now, lest you think I'm perfect; I'M NOT but I'm on the road!) I have a group of ebay friends who bring joy to my life by just putting up with me, which isn't always easy, my little kumquats! And last, but not in the least the least, I love the Lord and he loves me much more than I can even imagine. Beyond anything else I want to have that kind of love for everyone. That is my goal.

Yes, I lead a charmed life and am incredibly blessed and especially for being born in this country of which I am so very, very proud!! God truly does bless the USA!
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