Funny, not funny HaHa, but funny strange, but I wasn't going to post today. Got up and hit the deck running! BUT I couldn't keep myself outta here, you blogging chickadees!!
I cannot even begin to tell ya chicks how busy I've been. It's not just getting back from California and all that entails when returning from a trip - washing clothes, buying food, cleaning, etc., but I've got soooooo many projects I want to do. I think at this count I'll have to live to be 562 years old to catch up and complete everything on the list!! Each new day or each new trip to the thrift shops brings new projects. I'm sure none of you understand this! ;-) Riiiiiight!!!!
Anyway, I haven't stopped since we've been back. Up at 6 am and to bed - reluctantly - at 10:30 or 11:00 pm. Wednesday night at about 7 pm I decided to finish the living room drapes. I had quickly made a couple of side panels, but I didn't think they were full enough. I didn't have enough of the fabric to make them anything but a narrow side panel. I ordered some more fabric from New York before I left and my neighbor was kind enough to receive the parcel from UPS while we were away. So at 7 pm I set about making them and hanging them before I went to bed that night. I've posted other pix of this room just after I made the first panels but here they are now and I think it looks much better fuller - lush and not so "stingy"! This is a very difficult room to photograph also. Not much light with that huge porch overhang. However, here it is now.
I cannot even begin to tell ya chicks how busy I've been. It's not just getting back from California and all that entails when returning from a trip - washing clothes, buying food, cleaning, etc., but I've got soooooo many projects I want to do. I think at this count I'll have to live to be 562 years old to catch up and complete everything on the list!! Each new day or each new trip to the thrift shops brings new projects. I'm sure none of you understand this! ;-) Riiiiiight!!!!
Anyway, I haven't stopped since we've been back. Up at 6 am and to bed - reluctantly - at 10:30 or 11:00 pm. Wednesday night at about 7 pm I decided to finish the living room drapes. I had quickly made a couple of side panels, but I didn't think they were full enough. I didn't have enough of the fabric to make them anything but a narrow side panel. I ordered some more fabric from New York before I left and my neighbor was kind enough to receive the parcel from UPS while we were away. So at 7 pm I set about making them and hanging them before I went to bed that night. I've posted other pix of this room just after I made the first panels but here they are now and I think it looks much better fuller - lush and not so "stingy"! This is a very difficult room to photograph also. Not much light with that huge porch overhang. However, here it is now.

Those of you who visit my blog regularly may remember this little cutie I picked up in California. Anyway, I started painting those white roses pink before I had a picture for today showing them to new visitors as the roses were 2 weeks ago. So I quickly snapped a pix for you just after I painted one rose pink. You can now see the "before" and "after" photos. I like them pink and poppin' out at ya!

These are the little faux pastries and candies I've been trying to make for 10 days now! I'm almost finished with the hardest part. Someone suggested a new "material" with which to make them. I don't like it but I'm not wasting it, sweet cherubs, so these will be the giveaway! Of course, they'll be much better when decorated and I hope to get to that today. So stay tuned for the giveaway. I've been so blessed to win 2 things this past week that I simply must share my bounty.

Just thought I'd throw in some "eye candy" for you sweet virtual chicks!! This is my only granddaughter. She's now 28 and counting and still no great grandchicks! Where did her mother and I go wrong?!?!?!

This is a post I put on my ebay group yesterday - thursday - and yep, Love Bunny has a new toy:
This morning I showered and "coifed" my hair, went to KMart, then to Goodwill, then bank again(!), then to visit teach with my partner at their pool (Well, not theirs, but they have one in their classy development.) The 2 moms let the kids swim and we sat under the canopy (I don't do sun!) and chatted and gave a spiritual lesson. I left and then went to Costco to buy some fruit and veggies. I ended up getting Jack a Magellan RoadMate because he got us "I'm not lost I just missed the turn" during our trip to Calif. He's done this 2 or 3 times and admits it. There just isn't a sign that says "here's the 210" so exit here. That's his excuse. He's really pretty dang good about finding his way but I did get lost in Calif. this last time trying to get to the convention center when they're always fixing the exits and close them so I had to take another route. Sheeesh, I hated that. But, anyway, it's a new toy for him.