The rules for receiving this award are:1) Put the logo on your blog.2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4) Add links to those blogs on yours.5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I've just received this award from Char of Someplace In Thyme. Thank you, my sweet thyme chick!! How absolutely wonderful of her. I've never received an award and I echo Char's sentiments! But sweetpea, never give up!! Just keep blogging even if it's for just you. It satisfies a need within me to blog. I suppose I'm making an impression on some people with the comments I get and they are most gracious. I'll finish this up this afternoon with the requirements because Love Bunny is standing over me saying "let's go!!" So we have the drive down I5 to Riverside and Moreno Valley to see the other kids and grandkids. Plans have changed so many times in the last couple of days I've just told him to tell me when to seat this little bum in the car and point me in the right direction. Ta ta for now, sweet bloggers. I have some pictures for you toOOooOOoo!!!! Oh my, wait till you see Nan's house....... Tease, tease, tease........and wait till you see what I'm steali...........uhhhh, helping her to de-stash from her house!!! ;-)