As most of you may know we headed down to California friday in the car. I really love the car ride through Idaho, Oregon, Nevada and into N. California and I ain't flyin' anymore, my sweet chicks!!! Nuuuuuuuuuu way!! The drive is pretty much desert till after Reno and then we start seeing some trees. I'm not going to bore you with a lot of pix but the first pix below is how deserted the freeway was on the 4th. Pretty fast going the whole way!! The 2nd pix is of the Altamont going into the Oakland/SF area and to me is one of the most beautiful sights in the world. It just reminds me of the goodnes and beauty of God's creations. Plus it means we're almost home. Well, to our "other" home - daughter's house! Hah! However, when we return home I just may have to strap the Love Bunny to the roof of the car and tell him NOT to smile or his teeth will be...........well, you know! Because of all the good deals I found while thrifting with daughter saturday it may just fill the trunk and back seat! Look down............

Daughter's house with about 100 rose bushes in the front yard!

I didn't even have to leave her shed to get my first load of goodies, sweet ladies!! Wooooohooooo!!! I confiscated these 2 little french wire baskets and that little 3 drawer chest she keeps the large outdoor towels in. FREE!!
Okay, I'll go take some more pix of what else I got today out thriftin' and post them the next day. I'm sooooo excited I'm doing the happy-thriftin'-chick dance! Squeeeeeealin' with delight!!!!