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Greenhurst Nursery #8

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is this lamp gorgeous or what?! I think it's stunning. I'd definitely put it in my house even if it isn't shabby chic or roses. Yep, I sure would. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh

This is where I pay for my purchases. It's always calm there with the music playing and treats sitting on the counter.

This area near the checkout stand is awaiting decoration. It's the only time I've ever seen it this bare. Usually stunning vignettes abound here. But I do love the old time clock hanging there.

This is just to the right of the above photo. As you can see. this is the "pet" area. Just adorable.

This is back in another section of the store. We'll soon be coming to the french country, italian, Christmas areas and the "kitchen" area. Are you gals in for a treat!!! I'm sooooo teasing ya! :-) But look at that chandelier. Gorgeous! And the harvest table and all the faux veggies

Just a picture of their cloches and pretty jars. Much more available but this is it for now.

They have a very respectable book section with all kinds of gardening book, candles and paper items.

Also little hanging signs are all over this place with just about any style you could want: seasonal, lifestyle, cutesy.......anything.

Some darling veggie tassels.

And my favorite: paper lanterns. I was tempted but I've got 2 in my office/computer/painting room and have absolutely no place else to hang one. :-(

I am soooo NOT a halloween person because orange is prevalent during the season and it's my least favorite color. But this little table is just adorable is you're "into" that holiday.

And lastly, another rose struggling with its demise of summer. Still beautiful though.

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