If you have read my blog for any length of time you know I've been painting my house pink but especially my sewing/craft room and my office/painting room. They're pinker than the rest of the main rooms are going to be but everything will still be pink. In doing them one at a time it gives me more time to take everything down and put it back up without a HUGE mess in this 1800 sq.ft. house. I don't like having chaos in my life if I can, at any cost, avoid it.
In doing that I haven't put everything back on the walls yet. I'm "thinking" on it before I do it. Well, I did put a few things up and I'm "rethinking" them! So indulge me a minute, please, and let me digress for just a moment.
I was at a blog site a day or so ago and saw a couple of gingerbread houses—the regular small ones. I thought of a friend of mine whose hubby makes them and asked her if I could show you a couple of them. She agreed so I'm putting them below for you to see. NOW, we're talking GINGERBREAD houses!! Yes, these are huge. The one in the second photo is 85 lbs, chicks. He has won 3 awards and is on his way to winning another one this year. Have you ever seen anything like this? He's meticulous in doing this and I think quite an artist.
Not sure what this is a replica of but look at its detail.
I was at a blog site a day or so ago and saw a couple of gingerbread houses—the regular small ones. I thought of a friend of mine whose hubby makes them and asked her if I could show you a couple of them. She agreed so I'm putting them below for you to see. NOW, we're talking GINGERBREAD houses!! Yes, these are huge. The one in the second photo is 85 lbs, chicks. He has won 3 awards and is on his way to winning another one this year. Have you ever seen anything like this? He's meticulous in doing this and I think quite an artist.
Not sure what this is a replica of but look at its detail.

This one is a replica of a chateau in France owned by Yves St. Laurent's. That's supposed to be ivy on the front. Isn't that spectacular?

This one is a Masonic Temple in Ohio

Now on to my office/painting room. I'd call it an office/studio but I'm not good enough of an artist to call my humble abode "studio." Anyway, I had the roses paper lanterns over the vintage school desk but someone said they thought they would look better over the window seat. I think I've always agreed with that, just been too lazy to change them and waiting for more inspiration to "HIT" me. It hasn't yet! But I did change them from one side of the room to over the window seat and I really like the way they look.
From here to............

I think it was Sharon who was recovering a footstool she bought for $1.00 at a garage sale. It was a leather one and wasn't as bad as one I redid. Okay, now, I don't want to steal anyone's thunder and I certainly don't want to be described as someone with bad taste but I think I absolutely deserve the prize for "most drastic or dramatic change" in refurbishing. Take a look at this footstool in our family room and I can't even claim I bought it at a garage sale to redo; I actually had the "bad taste" to have bought this and a chair like it in the early 70s. I plead "tastelessness" for even considering buying such a piece of work! The things we do when we're young! Sheeeesh.....

Refurbished with my cover on it that I made a couple of years ago.

I also received another MEME to post. This one has come from Miss Linda and she wants to know six random facts about me. I think you'd love visiting with her also. She has lovely white furniture with cats! I can't believe it but she does. So again I want anyone reading this to put six facts on their blog and notify me when you do so I can come and read your "deep, dark" secrets also. :-) Please don't be shy. I truly will read your posts and leave a comment if you let me know you've done this.
Fact #1: I memorize numbers. When going down the street I'll look at license plates and try to remember them so I'll know my friends when I see them in their cars and can wave hello. I think this is a symptom of my OCD!!
Fact #2: I got sick one night and threw up all over my hubby's chest. Yes, I did. But he's such a sweetheart he just cleaned me up and put me back to bed.
Fact #3: I look in the mirror and at my driver's license and see my motherrrrrrr!!!
Fact #4: I absolutely love LOVE LoVe donuts and pastries! If I could live on them I would but I'd weight 5,000#! Don't even tempt me. I ate chocolate covered donuts when I was pregnant with my daughter and gained about 40# with her.
Fact #5: I am not a party girl or social animal but am married to one.....uuuuhhhh, a social animal. He loves parties and socializing and I hate it. I'd much rather be at home reading, blogging or crafting or even doing housework than socializing. I do love lunches with a few people though.
Fact #6: I hide my hubs' magazines regulary and don't tell him. I usually make him look for them, but I have been known to forget hiding them and then they're discovered weeks or months down the road! I have to be extra special to him for him to forget my lapse!
There you have it: The Life and Times of a Boring Housewife! Hah........