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Greenhurst Nursery #15

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I was telling Love Bunny last night that if I ever mention doing a series of posts with 335 photos again that he can just shoot me right then and there!! But I had to share this special place. However, I doubt very seriously that I'll do something for posting with this many photos again. It's taken an enormous amount of time to take them, edit them, decide which ones were worthy of showing, uploading them, writing text for most of them and then scheduling them all for future dates. This has to tell you how much I love blogging, chicks! It is another "passion" of mine.

An aside here:
My blog will always be a happy place - a place where it is safe to come and read, not much controversy as I see it, no ill feelings towards anyone, just a relaxing, calm, serene place to come. If you want things other than that I'd invite you to visit them on the internet where they certainly have them! But for me and this blog I want to lift people up and hope they have a joyous time reading what I write. I want it to show love and humor and happiness. That's my goal.

I also thank the nursery for allowing me to take the pix. They looked at me as if I was a bit nutty but they agreed. I had no control over lighting, it was what it was and there was nothing to be done about it but for the most part it was certainly adequate. I worked around the staff and customers, who were kind and gracious when noticing I was "shooting" pictures. But you might see a head in some of the pictures. I think it just adds to the festiveness of the whole shebang! They always got out of the way without me even commenting to them. That's how people generally are around here: kind, loving and gracious. That's why I love Idaho so much.

Cup of hot chocolate anyone? Nuuuuu, not real. Since this place sells candy it was sprinkled around the little kitchen area of the nursery. You could tell what was fake and what was real because the "real" candy had cellophane on it with an "ingredients" sticker on it. Most of the stuff was faux though. :-)

Cookie Jar and some "real" sweets!

Oh, be still my heeeartttt!! Chocolate cheesecake - my most favorite dessert of all desserts in all the whole world.....faux though. Hah

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose.......(singing in my most melodious tones!) and cookies baking in the vintage oven.

Sparkly balls on stems.

Who would have ever thought of a "chocolate" tree?!??! Yesssssssss!!!

I showed these cupcakes to my ebay group and they asked me what they were made of. I don't know; I didn't pick them up. But they sure looked real and delish, chicks!!

Little tarts........uhhhh, the desserts, not you, my little cherubs! And little chocolate and red sparkly "peppermint" drops.......

Okay okay, so you've seen the snowman apron in another post, adjust and live with it! This is just a close up of his sweet face and mitten-hand pockets.

Ice cream cone hanging ornies, ribbon candy, banana splits, tarts and candy garlands! More to coooooooome!! Hehehe and hohohoho.......

Frosty gum drops..........

I want this clock more than you can ever imagine. It may be mine when we go back there this weekend.

Ice cream sundae hanging ornies........

Ummmmm.......wonder if this would fit around hubs' neck and I could bite it every once in a while. LOL Yep, it's a real one - cellophane and ingredient sticker, remember???? ;-)

Looks like a peppermint sweet candy but it's a pedestal cake plate.

Another pedestal cake plate, just a tad different from one above. And some bon-bons, faux, under a cloche.

Dive right in my sweets!

Lemon meringue pie hanging ornies, cupcakes, cherry pie and chocolate cake! Whoooooa......like a kid in a candy store.

This cone looks more like a yogurt instead of ice cream and then there's the pink and yellow faux cupcakes!!! Yummmm

Well, that's it for today, but I'm telling ya I'm saving the pièce de resistance for the last. However, there are more things coming with the next couple of posts that I doubt you've seen anywhere else. You think the above stuff can't be topped???? Au contraire, mes amis, oui, il peut!! Just you wait. This is the 15th in the series and there are a total of 18 so only 3 more to go after this one. It ain't over yet, my little chickees......

Avoiding Mistakes in Interior Design

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mistakes on interior design can happened in many cases, unsuitable selection of furnitures, not fit (too big or too small), to the decorations that are too focused on the decorating trend curve, and another small thing that make our room looks irreguler. Please note that the trend decor is something to recur, choose the decor trends you like, make a plan, and follow your plan wisely. So you do not need to throw too much money on parts that do not actually need.

Here are several mistakes in interior design and the solutions:

Not fit in furniture selections.
Plesase pay your attention to measure your space or room before buy a furniture.

Unbalanced between the function and the decoration value in room's decoration,
Pillows are great accessories to use to add interest and softness to a space, but they should be functional, not just decorative.

Hang All Your Artwork and Mirrors at the Same Height
We Should undertsand that people’s eyes are not at the same height. Think about it: a 6-foot person’s eyes are higher than those of someone sitting on a chair.

Docorate the rooms with the last trend in a continuous time
Choose trends you really like and decide how you can get the look without spending a lot of money. There are ways to incorporate decorating trends into your decor without making a total change. You’ll save money but not be left behind the decorating curve.

Best Bedroom Color Based on Feng Shui Principles

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Chinese people believed that if we choose our room's paint color based on Feng Shui principles, the change of the colour in each room will help it's occupants to sleep in better on bedroom (increased the quality of sleep), warmer and livened up each kind of conversation of the family's member on dinning room, and bring an 'oasis' sense that was calm and peaceful on bathroom. Feng Shui can be applicated both on traditional or modern Chinese Bedroom.

Here are several color and Feng Shui principles with a pa-kua chart.
Choosing bedroom based on pa-kua chart.
Each bedroom is the most comfortable place, where you could rest and release the fatigue. Quite a few people who wanted their bedroom to become the romantic place, or the place where all of the family's members could sleep together. That was a big but normal mistakes.
For example, If the bedroom of an artist was in the position of fame section, She/He will possibly be tempted to colour of his/her bedroom with the red colour to increase his popularity. I was sure this artist could not be sound asleep in the red coloured bedroom! You know why? Because red including in the colour that, while sleep was Yin. It might be better if the artist did several matters like: placed a pillow, the doll, or the coloured photograph frame red in his bedroom, and coloured this room with calm colours that more calmed such as Blue.

Chose the colour for the child's bedroom possibly a little complicated. Most parents wanted to use the pale (pale) colour or the pastel colour that including the category of the Yin colour with the intention to increase the value of their children, but we must remembere that the children room was the place for sleeping and playing in the same place or time.

The solution is combining the colour of the wall that use soft colour room (pale/pastel) with several accessories of room (i.e. carpet, the doll, toys, the desk, table light, etc.) that use a contrast colour. Another thing that could be done to make the area playing in bedroom was by using the partition of the room, so in the same time, the children could play while resting in their bedroom.

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Greenhurst Nursery #14 & Pink Saturday

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Pink Saturday. I made this little pin cushion for someone to give as a special gift.

"Dream walk" is what I'm going to call this post because I dream when I go down these paths. I feel a calmness and yet an excitement at all the lovely things I see here. My life is no more nor less hectic than any other people my age. Our daughter and son are grown and we're in the twilight of our lives but I'm telling you I've never been busier than I am in these "senior" years! I'm rarely idle. By idle I mean doing absolutely nothing productive. Reading is not "idle" time for me; it's essential to my well being. My son, daughter and I absolutely absorb books non-stop. I love reading and will until I die. But I'm digressing.....

I walk these paths and dream of what my yard could look like if we had enough energy and money to make it look like this but it isn't the priority it once was. Just having my grass cut, weeds pulled and rose bushes trimmed is about all I feel I can put on hubby's shoulders now. So we meander the nursery gardens and "dream." I do buy some things once in a while but nothing to "kill" Love Bunny with working too much. I've grown quite fond of his face around here and will keep him forever.

This little path is just outside their side door going to the back of the nursery where all the trees, shrubs and flowers are. Underneath those stones is water. On the right........well, let's just meander the path.......oooops, sorry, but they didn't all come out sequentially and I'm NOT going to cut and paste so live with it, chickees! Let's go....

I love this long view of that area.

To the right is a waterfall. Enlarge to see hippopotamus in the water.

Closer view of the "stone bridge" pathway.

Another view of the waterfall.

Ornamental plants. Look like roses to me.

Long view of grotto or waterfall. That tree limb on the left goes across the pathway, across a huge section of lawn to its tree! They've had to put ropes up there to hold it up. That branch has got to be 50 ft. long at least. I've never seen anything like it. The whole branch looks like that end piece. They just keep propping it up with those ropes strung across the space. Amazing.

Koi pond on left side of stone path.

This is their bulb section which would be behind me while taking pix of the pathway. It's an outside wall of the nursery shop.

The outdoor furniture. It's not HIGH end but higher end than most nurseries I've seen. Our area of the country couldn't support the upper end of that kind of furniture. Idaho does have more millionaires per capita than any other state, but they all live in Sun Valley and Ketchum! Not many down here in the Boise area.

Just a look at a piece of their extensive statuary there.

More shaded areas to walk through while delighting in the displays.

The beginning of another part of the nursery - water plants I believe.

Standing at the entrance to the outside looking towards the back.

Off to the left is the "pottery barn" and trellises and display things for your yard.

Looks endless, doesn't it? Bathrooms on the right, ladies!! ;-) Soft drink machine also.

The shade plants.

I would give much to have that nursery back up to my home. Ohhh, what delights those homeowners must experience.

Of course, trees, trees and MORE trees.

My favorite section - the rose garden.

Another little section with shrubs and trees.

Lots of places to sit and take a break and rest.

This is the end of the season so this exotic plant greenhouse is pretty empty. Lots of stuff in here when spring and summer are here.

Reeeeallly big!

A pink rose singing its swan song for this year.

Inside is a bit of bling for chicks also.

An outside water device for soothing you.

Another view of all the furniture and japanese "gongs" and copper pots.

Colorful gazing balls and flags.

One last look at indoors before I left.

These are clipperz for stationery or scrapping.

And that's it for today. I think I have 3 or 4 more posts with closeups of the kitchen area and more stuff that they put up after the first group of pictures. They were having an open house the 2nd time I went and had more decorations up. But we'll see how many more posts I'll have doing this nursery series. I promise to not do many more posts on it. On to other things after that, my little cherubs.
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