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Workin' in the Craft Sewing Room!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Isn't this sweet plate adorable? I just received it today from an ebay seller and it is so delicate looking I just love it.

I've been straightening my craft/sewing room for what seems like years! I've bought shelves and storage "thingies" but nothing seems to help me keep it in "organized" shape. Every time I go in there and make something it seems to revert to its former status. I think the "Disorganize Fairies" are going in there at night and just having a field day and trying to make me craaaaaaazzzzzzzyyyyy!! Anybody know what I mean??? *Sigh*

This is my progress today - pix are not in order but you know what I mean when you see the shelves. I've arranged several shelves of fabric and folded it into smaller bundles. There is no much fabric in there I may have to sell some to make room for more craft things. Ooooooh, bite my tongue!!!!!! Sell my fabric?? That would certainly make dear hubs happy but we have a deal: he doesn't sell his trains; I don't sell my fabric! Works for meeeee!!!!!

But what I want to point out is the close ups of the fabrics below. Would you ever guess that all of that fabric on the table in the close ups is flannel?!?! Yes, it is. I got it at a store in California several years ago and it is wonderfully fine flannel - high end I believe. I've never seen any like it anywhere else. Just gorgeous truly!

Where Did the Time/Thyme Go?!?!?!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Daughter and her hubby flew in from California to visit for 4 days. Always glad to have my kids visit with us. She said she had a new recipe she wanted to try for us - a chicken, feta cheese, sun dried tomatoes, pasta one. I said fine, let's do it! So on the way from the airport we had to stop at Wal Mart for ingredients. As we were looking for the chicken, I remembered I have my year's supply of food like any good Mormon and told her we didn't need chicken. So we got the sun dried tomatoes, I'm sure I was just fresh out (!), and the feta cheese (not something I stock on a regular basis (!), the pasta I definitely had. So the four of us are walking around the store thinking of what else we might want and I was in a hurry to just get home and eat lunch. Spices??? Yes, I had spices I told her.

That was saturday. On sunday night when she started to prepare this delectable dish I was in here on my lovable Max (my computer) and I hear all this commotion in the kitchen. Her dad (my hubby) and she were tearing through my cupboards and screaming: where's the thyme? I never get in the middle of daughter in the kitchen. NOT a good idea. Did I mention she's very high strung in the best of circumstances?!?! Hmmmm, important fact here. Well, she's throwing a fit because they can't find the spice. I said, very sweetly, of course, if it isn't in with the other spices then I don't have it. Three sets of eyes flashed at me! So what's the big deal I ask. They said when we were at the grocery store she asked me if I had thyme and I must have said something along the lines of "yes", but I swear to you I don't remember talking about a SPICE. If she asked me I must have been thinking of TIME not THYME. Besides, I probably would have said something flippant like "I have every spice you could ever want." I'm that way. :-) So hubby and daughter looked at me like I'd said a vulgar word and daughter exploded saying the recipe was ruined. I opened up the cabinet and took out the Italian Seasoning bottle and said here, try this. Had thyme in it.

I then went merrily back to Max, my computer remember, and put a smile of my face and surfed till dinner was ready. All through dinner and the next 2 days all I heard was "it would have been better if it had THYME in it. Aaarrgh. Next TIME she wants to visit I may just not have TIME/THYME either!!! We'll go to her house where THYME is in a bottle! LOL

It's finally spring time in this desert of ours in the west! I think I'd better give that old red bench another coat of red paint but it'll have to be hubby's job since he's much better at painting that old bench than me. Another "honey-d0"; won't he be excited?!?! Hah.

I also have little color spots around that have finally taken hold and my rhododendron that I love and will nourish like a baby. They grew well in California but struggle in this desert heat but I'm hopeful. The hydrangeas are another plant that grew prolifically in Calif. but we've struggled to get them to produce here. Maybe this year!

A Rose Room Party!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rachel over at The Rose Room is having a "nice to meet you" party in honor of her 100th post! Well, count me in, my little chickadees!! Plus fabulous prizes???? Count me in again! All she is asking is that we share where we do our blogging. Hah....... More like where I spend my LIFE. So here goes.........

This is my office computer room taken from several angles. I have to have beautiful "eye candy" wherever I am - bedroom, kitchen, living room, family room, office and even bathroom.........in other words, everywhere in my house. :-)

I have a window seat. (Oh, btw, that dark wood chair is just in there temporarily from hubby's office so we could make room for our daughter and her hubby who are coming for the weekend. It's not usually in there.) My desk is a white cottage shabby chic style one. There is lace on the window, lots of white wood in there and of course roses all over the walls. I do my ebay-ing there, my finances, my blogging, photo shoots for ebay and just about everything.

NOW for the other things Rachel wants us to do - answer a few questions about ourselves.

1. Relationship: Married to Jack for 47 years in June of this year.

2. Children: a daughter and a son and 3 gorgeous grandsons and 1 gorgeous granddaughter.

3. Pets: none. We had a dog who died and I won't get anymore until Jack can have it put down when it needs to be done. He could never do it and I won't do it again so that settles that. He's soooo soft hearted when it comes to his pets.

4. Age: Do I have tooooooo?!?! Okay, 39 and stubbornly holding to that!

5. Star sign: Virgo

6. Favorite food: Pasta or Fish - cooked in a restaurant since I have the lingering smell.

7. Favorite drink: Pepsi or Coke

8. House decor style: Romantic, bit shabby, comfy, frou-frou and a lot "Me" thrown in.

9. Collections: Oooooh, there isn't enough room to list them all, but mostly anything with roses on it and of course, pitchers.

10. How did I get into blogging: Jumped right in and have been loving it ever since! Just decided one day to share my life online. Since I'm addicted to computers - we have 5 - and do not travel anywhere without our 2 laptops, it's easy to keep in touch. All of our kids and grandkids have computers - at least 2 in each family so we're a techie family for sure.

So now just to to Rachels and join in, my sweet little chickadees!!

Roses Plates for Sale

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Three beautiful decoupaged roses plates are for sale. Just get in contact with me for the information on how to buy them - $15.00 each plus shipping.

One is bareroot roses on pink, one is bareroot roses on red and one is a beautiful black fabric with red and pink roses. They can be wiped off but not submerged in water or dishwasher.

Faux Cakes, Pillows, Message Boards & Stockings for Sale

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I don't think I've ever "advertised" my things for sale on ebay, but I am now. All of the things you see here and a lot more including pillows and totes are available on my ebay. Plus I'm having a "de-stash" sale! Check it out my little chickadees!!

Petal Cake

Ballerina pillow

Roses stocking

Lovely little storage box

Another stocking

A cute message board with roses fabric

My Trellis Room Divider

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I want to show you my special room divider. It's a trellis I bought many years ago from a store going out of business and I just had to have it! You know the feeling!! ;-)

Anyway, I got it for a song and it has served we well for photo shoots and now as a divider between living room and dining area. On it hangs gifts, paintings of roses special women have given me, snippets of things I just love looking at, hankies, pieces of vintage lace I've found over the years and not known what to do with because there isn't much left of it, cards, tags, special little ornaments that have been given to me or I've bought for their beauty and "eye candy", lovely little envelopes, scrap paper, a fan, hearts, pretty little note cards, paper roses, seed packets (YES! seed packets that I considered beautiful enough to hang), a decoupaged sign I made many years ago for hubby and me, even some lovely business cards from people I buy from, a little gorgeous beaded lampshade I don't have a lamp for - yet, a picture of the cheese factory in Pleasanton, Ca. where we used to go for lunch sometimes, ribbons and just about anything I consider too beautiful to throw away.

I love beautiful things as you've probably heard me say before. My eyes feast upon them on a daily basis and it makes my heart sing and to be happy. I'm a happy and positive person but I am happier when I can view lovely things. They don't have to be expensive; indeed, most of the things I have on the trellis or in my home aren't expensive but ohhhh the joy they bring me!!!! Just too much for the heart to describe.

So enjoy looking at these things and I hope they make your heart sing today. Try your own "trellis", whatever that may actually be! Celebrate the blessings of your life!!

There are many pictures of this and I hope you enlarge each one to fully view everything.

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