I've stopped throwing jars away! Not because I'm especially environmentalist but because they can serve other purposes and they're FREE! The thought just occurred to me when I was getting ready to throw some out recently and thought, wait a minute; I can do something else with these. So I have been spray painting the lids pink (what else?!?!) and washing the jars, putting a beautiful vintage wallpaper on the fronts and backs and then putting buttons in them. As I empty a jar I'll be doing more of these and deciding what else I can put in them: roses, little do-dads, furbelows and bigelots and maybe even ribbons. Just so handy and actually pretty also and did I mention FREE?!?!
Also, they are eye candy for your craft or sewing room or can be put on shelves for just looking at. I'm soooooooooo into "eye candy"!! :-)