I made another birdhouse today. I haven't crafted for several weeks now and I've missed it. Sometimes we just get into a slump and life kicks in and we just veg out in a nice, soft, comfy easy chair with a good book. That's me!
Anyway, this one was really quite fun to do out of all the birdhouses I've done. I used a vintage wilendur tablecloth. Maaaaaan, when I first cut into that tablecloth I almost cried! It was so gorgeous and they are becoming so hard to find anymore. So I use it sparingly. But the other fabric is an old cloth cover also. So when it's gone, it's gone forever. The other part is chenille - pink of course!
I then had to decide what I wanted to do. I just started sorting through all the "junque" I had and kept wanting more and more. I added little paper roses, ribbon rose, faux diamonds, rhinestones, pink vintage lace (haven't seen this particular pattern before in pink!) little posies around the front side and rose leaves all around it.
The little mommy bird is sitting on her pink paper nest just waiting for her babies to arrive. :-) Then she added some little flowers, twigs and a leaf to make a cozy bed for her baby chicks.
I was sitting in my office on the computer when hubby came home and I showed it to him and he actually said, "WOW!!" I asked him if he thought it was too much frou-frou and he said NO! Now, that's a first, let me tell you.
Now, here is the sad part. My friend, who is the only other Idahoan transplant from California I know and she lives up in north Idaho, emailed me today to tell me she is giving up her blog. Booooo hooooo. I just about cried I was so disappointed. She is funny and humorous like me and I feel a kind of kindred spirit since we both came from the same general area of California. Esther just has some other issues going on right now and they come first. I admire her greatly for doing this. Family first! But I'm going to miss her greatly. But I'm supposing I'll be emailing her from time to time.
Esther!!!!!!!! I'm gonna miss ya, cherub!!!!! Sniffle.....sniffle.......sob........sob........