For me there is nothing better for me to do than "putter" around the house. I love just rearranging knick knacks, bibelots or cleaning out and organizing sock drawers that I haven't gotten to for a long time! I know, I know........most of us hate that kind of thing. But look for the gloriousness of it. You have a "clean" palette to start fresh. Old socks or nylons are thrown out. You see your treasures in a new and different light. And nobody can do it like you can. Just have a glass of ice water or lemonade near for drinking or a cup of your favorite beverage and start in on your task. Putter - one of my favorite words, too. That time is for you because you need to schedule time in your busy schedule for just "YOU"!! You could even rearrange or clean out some of your beautiful boxes. If you don't have any, I suggest you make some or go looking for them. That way your clutter will be in "plain sight" and no one would know it. I've included some more beautiful boxes and magazine holders for you to see. Now you know how beautiful they can look!