This idea came from a friend, Stephanie, who put bunnies in her glasses for the Easter holiday! I thought it was delightful since I have so many stemware glasses. We don't drink any alcohol, but I just love the beauty and gracefulness of stemware and sometimes just use them for water or juices at meals. These are crystal and cost a little more than some can cost, but cheaper one can be found in department stores when sales are going on or at yard or estate sales. You could think of many different things to do with them, but they always add sparkle to a room. I remember when we were in Ireland at the Waterford Glass works. That showroom simply sparkled so much with all the fabulous glassware and china that it was very difficult to get a picture! It was like living in a castle. Just lovely. So my advice to you today is again: "look at something with a different eye" and see how you can make it into something beautiful for your home.