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The Story of One Heroic Woman

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'm finally getting over the cough, which turned out to be acute bronchitis, which I don't think I've ever had. It was rough. I stayed in the house for a month and rarely ventured out. But today I had hubby take me to the beauty shop for a hair cut since I haven't done a thing to it for about 3 weeks. Just too weak to do anything but sleep and read.
This says it all so just read and pay tribute to this most magnificent of human beings. I only hope I'd have had the courage this woman had to save lives. Just another thing I must improve on I suppose. The humanity in this woman isn't even present in the tip of my finger. She's one of my heroes, along with the men and woman of the armed forces who want to fight and die for my country. Thank you to all you veterans. My heart is touched every day by your courage. If you are the relative or friend of a warrior, give them a kiss from this old lady. Please!

And now for some eye candy.

This is one of my favorite rooms. Oh, I have many! This is just one I love, arranged for conversation and not especially television watching.

And as I've said, I love a bit of the French look since that is part of my heritage, but I'm a pure-bred American and proudest most for that. Vive l'america!!

I found this flower arrangement most stunning. Few flowers and just candle holders, but truly stunning.

Look at how the furniture is adapted to the curvature of the windows. Lovely.

Simply a bit of eye candy in a cute little cup made into a pin cushion.

And another one most charming.

The kind of wrapping I'd like to receive on a gift.

Another pretty vignette for a dinner party.

I love this chair, even the gray stripe fabric. If I need a neutral color I'd never ever use beige; I'd use gray and have in a room we redecorated in California. Love it much more than "neutral beige", which to me looks dirty.

Without those windows this room would be just another living room, but that wall of window—along with the chandelier—makes it magnificent.

Cookies too pretty to eat!

A simple, yet stunning, room done just right.

A place to rest and dream.

A beautiful kitchen.
Linking up with Pink Saturday.   

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