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A Trip To The Supermarkets

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I tried to go to Costco by myself yesterday but hubs wanted to tag along. I wasn't happy about it because I'll always spend more when he's along and he always questions me about what I'm buying. Aaaargh.

Well, this was supposed to be a quick in and out. I wanted 2 boxes of Angus burgers already cooked and frozen on hand for our freezer. We got out of there with $131.00! He had to buy a tree. Now, ours is a small yard, just big enough for 2 empty nesters. But he stuck a peach tree in the cart among other things. This is the third peach tree he's planted; the other two died. Annnnnd agaiiiiiin, he had to make sure I didn't kill a woman with the branches from the tree in the cart. I have never, ever hurt or killed a shopper in a grocery store! Promise! We women tend to know how to dodge a peach tree or a full basket of items. He drove me nuts. I had to go shopping at WM also but I went today without him. It was so relaxing and I didn't have him second-guessing me and holding on to the cart so I wouldn't run over anyone. I've mentioned back in posts several times that I'm going shopping alone from now on and I am. OR I'll send him for a few items written on a note paper. I just wouldn't trust him with the bigger shopping but a quick run, okay. We'll see how it works out. Other women in the grocery store mention hubands with them. I think it's a universal feeling of women for the most part. I love shopping alone, taking my time, looking at new things they're carrying, just being leisurely. Has anyone you know gotten a divorce after the hubs retires and stays home all day critiquing the house, toilets, laundry, your shopping and closets? Sigh...

A lovely stone house.

Another living room I love.

A little cute sideboard. It looks miniature but can't tell a lot looking at it from this angle.

A happy day for a picnic in the yard.

Another little  open cottage for playing among the rose garden.

Pretty white chair with pink posies.

Cute little dishes.

Looks like a woman's studio.

And a very pretty window bed with hanging lanterns for a festive area,

Another area in a kitchen with incredibly darling dishes.

A lovely long loggia in a huge home.

A lady's bath with all her soaps and powders.

A quaint street in a small foreign town.

Aaaah, ephemeral pink and lacy candles.

A darling small bath or washroom.

More copies of the Ikea catalog are printed each year than the Bible.

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