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Modern Kitchen Remodeling Designs With Smart Layout

Monday, November 30, 2009

The most important thing in designing a good kitchen is about the functionality and efficiency. Intelligent design would be a solution in the convenience of kitchen users in the move to prepare and process food. So, it's a good solution to create a smart kitchen in new or kitchen remodeling to get a modern kitchen.
Modern Kitchen Designs With Smart Layout

Kitchen layout in the photo has a very unique space and attractive, which lies directly connected to the kitchen dining room and family room. The relationship between this space can be optimized by designing a kitchen set double line.

Modern Kitchen Designs With Smart Layout

One L-shaped cabinet against the wall of the kitchen and other cabinet placed between the kitchen and dining room. Function is a connector between the two areas. Between them given the distance of about 2.2 m, resulting in circulation while working will be smooth. --contemporist--
Modern Kitchen Designs With Smart Layout

Modern Kitchen Designs With Smart Layout

Modern Kitchen Designs With Smart Layout

Streamlining Tight Space on Bathroom Designs

Monday, November 30, 2009

streamlining space is mean, how to make the room looks simple and minimalist with reducing the spacious of the room. Here are the ideas on streamlining the space on bathroom designs. There are several steps to make the room looks streamline, Create and design a frameless shower, locate it near the bathtub in one line, see this picture that describe how to design a frameless shower and how to locate it.

Streamlining Tight Space on Bathroom Designs
To minimize the visual impact of the double sinks, a wall-hung vanity appears to float over the floor. A wall-hung toilet produces a similar effect. Overhead, a skylight also helps create a more spacious, open feeling.
Streamlining Tight Space on Bathroom Designs
In a neutral-toned bathroom, choosing one or two vibrantly colored focal points can really complete the look. In bathroom designs, the other thing to get streamlining tight space is choosing the bathroom style, modern style may look simpler than traditional style, but the best modern bathroom designs aren't about cutting out ornamentation. Instead, they're about making every element in a space functionally beautiful.

Streamlining Tight Space on Bathroom Designs
The solution is adding the visual features, on above picture it describe how to adding the bathroom features with mosaic tile and the mirror, A tall, narrow mirror is enhanced by a frame of small green mosaic tiles that relate to other strong vertical rectangles in the room's design. A vanity cabinet of precisely crafted wood is a sleek piece in the best modern tradition. The overall effect: clearly chic yet soothing. --howstuffworks--

Bedrooms 11/30/09

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's look at some lovely bedrooms today since it's a holiday weekend.

Isn't this lovely in its English countryside feel? What a joy to see that old trellis used in such a way.

A tad formal in its elegance this bedroom could be home to a courtly gentleman or a ranch out in the west.

A lover of plants must live here, but for me, it would have to be faux plants as I kill just about anything I try to water.

An English author resides in this bedroom. Very simplistic.

A retired ballerina resides here and even has a barre with which to practice on every day. Lovely...and not at all "put together" by an interior designer. The owner's taste definitely shows through in this room.

I love this look but my ceilings aren't tall enough to establish the look. My bed, however, looks very much like the bed...sans the poster frame.

Since we lived in the San Francisco Bay area, this scene is very reminiscent of our home there. Rain on the windows and plants just outside the door are a very common scene for that area.

Random Thoughts for Pink Saturday 11/28/09

Friday, November 27, 2009

Be sure and visit with Beverly at howsweetthesound for Pink Saturday. You'll see lots of pink, chicks.

The end of October I won a giveaway. I usually enter just to add my name to the pot never thinking I'll win it, and it's not a big deal with me anyway. I mean I love them but I just want to help support the bloggers. Anyway, several days ago I received the package in the mail from the blogger. I actually gasped when I opened the box. It far exceeded my expectations. Pictures never do the items justice as I well know, but this is just stunning in person. I'm delighted, Debi, just delighted!!!!

Full of little surprises...

...and more surprises.

The cutest tag I've come across in a long time.

And...squeeeeeeeeal...some vintage jewelry!!

And this is the kind of tree I'm going to have for the holidays next year hopefully:

And now that we've had the "eye candy", let's go to the...

Random Thoughts:
Recent experience. Men cannot multi-task like women. Love Bunny got quite distraught recently when I asked him to do something and he was doing something else. Now, this didn't involve something hard. But he actually got a bit testy. Men want one focus at a time. Heaven forbid we should disturb them when they have a tool in their hands! And just think of all the things a "mom" can do at one time. *Smile* Men don't seem to have the ability to do that, but they are worth keeping around. I love my man!

A book was recommended lately called Cracking the Boy's Club Code and it is truly wonderful for those women who are still in the working world. Basically it tells you to stop acting like a little girl when dealing with men. Lower your voice instead of that high little girl voice and you'll have more authority.

Dress for success! Yep, if you dress like a slut, you'll be treated as such. When I was in the working field I dressed professionally. Nothing on my body gave away my modesty. I cringe now when I go into stores and see what they wear for work! Even in my lounging I don't wear what those women wear to work. Flip flops? T-shirts? Sneakers? Bra straps showing? Tummies showing? How in the world do you expect to be treated like a lady if you "put it all out there for show? And don't give me that "Well, they should respect me"; noooooo, they shouldn't if you don't respect yourself! Act like a professional woman; you'll get farther.

Never drive around with a license plate that says "SPDBRAT." Duh...

Money talks, but chocolate definitely gives ME a buzzzzzzzzz.

While driving by the high school on my way shopping the other day I noticed the cars in the student's parking lot. Let me tell you, most of them have more expensive cars than I have. Now, we do not live in a wealthy town. This ain't Hollywood, folks! But those kids couldn't possibly afford those kind of cars even if they do work. Mom and dad had to buy it for them. Oh, maybe they pay for the gas, but there is no way most of them could afford a car as nice as the ones I saw in the lot. We never bought our kids a car. They bought it, maintained it, bought their own gas and worked at jobs to do this. It has served them well. They are both very independent and well off today for the things we wouldn't do for them. I feel sorry for the kids today who will now certainly inherit the debt from our government and will not have the extra money we had.

Love Bunny had a meeting with the bishop this past week to discuss some details on home teaching assignments. Just before he was to leave I noticed he had on a Harley-Davidson t-shirt (the one for H-D biker wanna-be! LOL) Conversation went like this:

She: I woudn't go visit the bishop in a Harley-Davidson t-shirt.

He: You're going to visit with the bishop?????

She: No. Let me put that another way: YOU'RE not going to go to church and visit with the bishop in that t-shirt.

He smiled. He changed his shirt.

At any given time, hubs can have 2 to 3 pairs of pants along with shirts on the chair next to his bed. I asked him recently if he would try to reduce it to one set of clothing for the next day. I think the key word he heard was "try". *Sigh*.........

Marie Antoinette #3

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving. Hubby and I are off having the holiday with my daughter, granddaughter and grandson. I hope you're with family and enjoying the blessing of having those you love around you and lots of food on the table.

Another Marie Antoinette doll I finished in which I used the court jester
diamond pattern since it's rather French looking and would have been frivolous and light-hearted for Marie. Throughout history the necklace has always been indicative of her beheading so I added that and a ribbon to the form.

And here she is on her pestestal.

And I should advise you to keep alert to this blog because....

...this Marie dress form will be a giveaway soon! Yep, you heard that right. She's going to be given away!!!

I'm grateful for patience. I don't have any but Love Bunny does because he'd have to have a lot to be married to me. So I'm grateful for him putting up with my impatience.

Best Home Design on Italian Contemporary Calipte Bathroom

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Best Home Design on Contemporary Calipte Bathroom
Italian Bathroom decoration usually used a new and modern style, such as this contemporary calipte bathroom accessories from Compab, suitable for any best home interior design.
Best Home Design on Contemporary Calipte Bathroom
Compab reality take root of this activity since 1996. The firm get ahead for the bath furnishings sphere. The models made of Compab are designed and developed to meet the true needs of modern living, where even a bathroom is the expression of the personality of the people who furnish it according to their taste and therefore
Best Home Design on Contemporary Calipte Bathroom

Best Home Design on Contemporary Calipte Bathroom

Happy Thankful Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving. We'll be traveling this day to visit our granddaughter so I wanted to put my feelings in this post. This is exactly how I feel this time of year: Thankful. Thankful for family, home, love and my Savior and His sacrifice for me. Especially love. Please just take a moment and ponder things that are so much bigger in this world than having "stuff." My best to each of you and my sincere thanks to each and every single one of you who deems me worthy to be viewed. You bless my life more than I could ever tell you and I hope and pray I touch yours in some small way. My heart has been very tender lately with feelings for the love we show each other. Again, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. That's what life is truly all about.

Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design
Italian bathroom is still the best architecture style, here are the best bathroom design from Karol, named Xil, a furniture piece with an uncommon design. It intentionally transcends the solutions that have been used up to now in the bathroom. The thick forms and solid wood worked by skilled artisans and the unique flame veneer finish of the trims in both the furniture pieces and the mirrors turn it into an aristocratic object that maintains the needed functionality of the bathroom area.
Unlike the other Karol’s series, Xil cabinets are available only in wood finish, which can be combined to elegant waterproof leather doors available in 5 different colors. The materials used for the tops are the same of those used in the other series.
Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design
Since 1980 Karol has been producing bathroom furniture out of Siena, Italy. Today the range production has been considerably diversified in order to offer distinguishable bathroom furniture lines, enabling to solve problems, often due to lack of space. Supported by advanced technologies, Karol is now really able to satisfy all needs and furnishing requests with an excellent quality to price ratio.
Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design
These Italian bathrooms evocate to admire and pleasant to be caressed. All bathrooms designed to satisfy the desire to have functional, perfectly accessible space done in a trendy high-end Italian design. Karol offers captivating design where the characters are the color, the play of depth, the top with rounded border, and cheerful choice of glass counters. All collections furnished with standing consoles, wall hang cabinetry, available in solid beach wood, cherry, wenge, or in wide range of lacquered colors. Crystal counter tops and backsplashes, spacious drawers, tall units, and linen closets complete these streamlined bathroom lines. The modular bathroom systems from Karol immediately hit the eye: these are modular elements which allow great flexibility in contemporary bathrooms. These light, dynamic lines give bathrooms a personality. And yet function is never forgotten: in fact Karol makes any bathroom design flexible so it can fluctuate as needed; the elements are not bound to the surrounding space and can be added, even at a later date. Karol has long designed bathrooms with an eye to functionality and owner’s personality. All characteristics of the bathroom are represented: high functionality, elegance, and above all the ability to easily furnish any space with only the best in Italian contemporary bathroom design.
Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design
Crystal counter tops and backsplashes, spacious drawers, tall units, and linen closets complete these streamlined bathroom lines. The modular bathroom systems from Karol immediately hit the eye: these are modular elements which allow great flexibility in contemporary bathrooms. These light, dynamic lines give bathrooms a personality. And yet function is never forgotten: in fact Karol makes any bathroom design flexible so it can fluctuate as needed; the elements are not bound to the surrounding space and can be added, even at a later date. Karol has long designed bathrooms with an eye to functionality and owner’s personality. All characteristics of the bathroom are represented: high functionality, elegance, and above all the ability to easily furnish any space with only the best in Italian contemporary bathroom design. --Karol--Italian-interiors--
Xil Bathroom Furniture from Karol with Uncommon Design

Small Kitchen with Circle Design

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What is the main problem in arranging a small room? One of the solution is using a minimalist furniture, loft furniture or using a creative shape room like this circle kitchen. With less spacious, this kitchen is suitable for your solution on kitchen remodeling, or create the new one.
Circle Kitchen from the New Zealand firm of Compact Concepts is one of those “what in the world?” products that ends up making more and more sense when you begin exploring it a bit. It’s a design concept that would be at home in an apartment, loft, condominium, hotel room, holiday home, or retirement residence, as well as in an office or foyer. See details product at cleverkitchen.

New Kind of Roses

Monday, November 23, 2009

Since I have to make some things—having been challenged by my eBay group—for my Christmas tree next year, I've been looking at some inexpensive things I can make along with some purchased balls. I found these scrunched flowers and though I'd share a tutorial with you.

They are originally made with card stock and this is what I had on hand tonight; although, I did make some with coffee filters since I have a glut left over from making the roses. Do NOT try the coffee filter roses if you've had too much caffeine! It could be detrimental to your well being. Trust me on this one! Stick with these "scrunch flowers."

Anyway, I'm going to show you how to do both and the difference. Yes, there is a difference. Coffee filter ones are very soft and "floppy" while the card stock dries rather rigid.

As I said I used what was available and I had these water colors so I used them on both. I'll try acrylic paints later. I also learned some valuable lessons you won't have to bother with since I've found all the hard things beforehand. ;-)

I made a template out of a sheet of copy paper. You will need 2 sizes and this is what I started out with: the large one is about 4" wide...

...the small one is about 2" wide. I think this is too big so I'll do some smaller next time.

Size comparison for you.

Cut 3 pieces of the large one and 3 pieces of the small one.
Then spray a mist of water on each of the six flowers. Mist, not saturate and punch a hole in the center after placing all 6 together. Then scrunch it up into a tiny little ball—all six pieces. Scrunch, scrunch and more scrunch! Put a brad through them starting with the smaller 3 first and then adding the 3 larger ones.

This is the coffee filter one. Very pliable.

This is the card stock one. I experimented with the watercolors. Dabbing gently on pink and then yellow.

The two of them side by side.

This morning I got up and did this one with card stock and photographed it out in the early morning light so it has that ethereal blue light that comes just before the sun peaks and peeks over our horizon on this side of the world. I love it but it doesn't give the brightest and best light. The others were taken at my kitchen table at night with incandescent light.

This one I did with the original size of the small flower but decreased the size to 2 3/4" for the large flower. I like it much better. I shall try it again with 2 1/2" for the large flower and 1 1/2" for the small flower. I, also, did the watercolor with a brush that was almost dry. I wet the brush, dried it off with a paper towel and then stuck it right into the red paint in the paint tray. I didn't dilute it in a bit of water, just almost full strength and touched the ends very lightly with the brush. You can experiment on your own for the look you prefer. Very easy and cheap.

Okay, since Love Bunny is tired of having all this stuff on the kitchen table I've decided to skip the "coloring" part and just use plain white card stock for this one. My craft room is in such a disarray that I can't even function in there. Yikes. I guess I'd better clean it up a bit, but I needed a bunch of space on a table top to do this experiment. Hence, these are the last ones for a while until after Thanksgiving.

These were the easiest and quickest. I used a compass to make 3 circles 3" round and 3 circles 1 1/2" and cut them out with some fancy schmancy scissors, scrunched them unmercifully after misting them and then glued them together with a button glued into the center. Use your creative mind and put things other than buttons in the center. Some glue and glitter in the center, a piece of jewelry, ribbon bows, bottle caps or anything you desire can be adorable. I don't know if I'll be making a bunch of these for the Christmas tree next year but I shall make some. I am going to also make them out of scrapbooking paper in pink with roses. With those I'll not mist them at all. I think it is thin enough to just scrunch, glue together with a button and put a little ribbon on them to hang from the tree or simply stand them on a limb for fillers.

Okay, okay, I just couldn't stand it without pink so I went ahead and just dabbed pink acrylic craft paint on the edges and look how much more depth this gives it. This last one is definitely the easiest and quickest flower.

This is absolutely, positively the last one before I publish this blog post. Again, the easiest way is to cut circles, scrunch and glue together. Very, very quick. I used 2 different designs of paper here and put some glue in the center and sprinkled it with some glitter. No spritzing the paper this time. Oooh, and I did a 1 1/2" on the outer one and 3/4" on the inner circle. A very nice flower for a card. Cut out several and have on hand for whatever occasion you have.

These would be absolutely great for making cards and putting a flower on them. Quick enough not to get too involved and you can make several ahead at one time and have them ready whenever you might need them. After all, they can't get any more "scrunched" without looking even better! Happy crafting!!!!

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