Okay, sweet chicks, we've reached the 25,000 visitor mark. Now, I know that isn't much by some standards but I think it's pretty significant. I mean that you even consider my blog worthy to visit is an amazement to me!! I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for tuning in and listening to my ramblings. I know they can be boring sometimes. I hope to continue but I have to admit that posting each and every day takes a lot out of this ol' lady - and OLD lady!! I may not be posting every day from now on. I have a hubby and house to take care of ya know!!
So now I'm officially offering this "painting" of cupcakes and roses for a giveaway. Just leave a comment on THIS post and your name will be entered. Let's give it until wednesday night for the drawing. That will give anyone who wants a chance to enter. If you want to win you must leave me an email address to contact you. Otherwise, how will I let you know?!!
So now I'm officially offering this "painting" of cupcakes and roses for a giveaway. Just leave a comment on THIS post and your name will be entered. Let's give it until wednesday night for the drawing. That will give anyone who wants a chance to enter. If you want to win you must leave me an email address to contact you. Otherwise, how will I let you know?!!
Isn't this gorgeous??!! I saw it as a banner on another blog and tried finding it on the internet. I love this artist and found this for a fantastic price from someone's website and ordered it. It just got here today and I have to say it is even lovelier in person. She is absolutely my most favorite artist. So I thought I'd share it with you all. Click to enlarge to see it's beauty. :-) Nuuuuuuuuuu, this is NOT part of the giveaway!!