Today a young lady friend came over. She's in my church ward. The other day she and her mother came over to deliver some gorgeous roses from their garden to me since I had my foot operated on. How nice!! Always a pleasant experience. Anyway, when they were here Tasha, age 9 in October, ooohed and aaaahhed at my house, along with her mother. It's truly a girly girly home. So I told her she could come back and make tags with me whenever she wanted. She had never heard of tags but was excited to learn as it turns out. So this morning her mom called and asked if she could come over after school and I said, "Yes, of course." She and I spent a delightful hour and a half making tags - her first experience. Eight year old girls love that sort of thing generally and Tasha was no exception. We had a delightful time. I forget to get a picture of her tags or her but I do have photos of mine.