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Rambling 1/21/2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Have you given any thought lately to how hard it is to keep up with technology? I have and it's difficult. Every month or so there's something new to learn about phones, computers, iPads, etc. When will it give us a break?

I was washing my face the other morning and asked hubs if I was that fresh-faced girl he had married. He said, "The one that drools [on the pillow I suppose]. I told him he didn't need to say that.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day that made me chuckle. It said, "If God were my co-pilot, I'd be going 120 MPH."

Some politicians worst enemy is a functioning conscience.

Only a grandma would spend $2.24 to send a package of 68¢ M&Ms to her great granddaughters.

There is no such thing as "open marriage"; it's called adultery.

I also am a firm believer that a charmed, happy life is when you actually want everything you do have. I am one of those persons.

I adore this beautiful casual room. Lots of white and a lot of color thrown in also. Wonderful for a large family.

This is a Pierre Deux fabric on this pillow. I was in one of their shops in Carmel, California, once and bought several small journals with their fabric on it. Their fabrics are really gorgeous.

Another room I could live in comfortably. Sofas plumped for sitting with lots of pillows and an ottoman for my feet. Cozy! Yummm.

This looks almost like an English living room made up for the holidays. I like everything about it also.

If it's white with bright pink or blue doors you know you're in Greece. What a gorgeous entry this is though.

An adorable little drum-like hanging lantern done up very froufrou. It makes my heart drum enthusiastically!

And the always popular white ethereal rooms for the lovers of Shabby Chic, of which I am one of the lovers of SC.

A small sweet bouquet of roses hanging on an old door in a garden. Magnificent!

A beautiful spot, but all that ivy growing on the patio cover and house will eventually deteriorate it. Beautiful but isn't a good thing to do.

If I wore necklaces, this would be the kind I'd wear. I love the way someone crafted it.

Pink soap and pink roses. Doesn't get much better than this for "eye candy." :-)

Another beautiful living room with a lovely fireplace.

More of the Shabby Chic look. I especially like the square ottoman with a white ruffled cover. Darling.

Another great idea putting two sofas together with a high table between them.

The kind of kitchen most of us grew up in. I can definitely relate to this kitchen and dining area with the Wilendur tablecloth.
Linking up with Pink Saturday.

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