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I've Done It For 52 Years!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I've added even more photos to my Pinterest page. Go visit it and see them. I know you'll love all the images.

A few weeks ago at church, hubby invited some friends over for dinner before he told me he was going to do it. He's such an entertainer and social animal; I'm not. That wasn't a problem really, but he drove me crazy that afternoon.

The friends were invited over for leftovers from Christmas—ham. It was a beautiful and huge ham and although, I love ham I didn't particularly want it for 4 or 5 meals. Hence, we invited them to help us eat it. He fretted like a little ol' lady about dinner. Remember, I've been cooking his meals for almost 52 years.

Hubs: What about potatoes?
Me: I'll mash a big pot so you'll have some leftovers for next week.
Hubs: Great! Sounds good.

Hubs: What about salad?
Me: What about it?
Hubs: Could we have some coleslaw?
Me: What if I just make a fruit salad?
Hubs: OK! Good, good.

Hubs: What vegetable should we have?
Me: I'll make my famous fried corn.
Hubs: Ooooh, yeah, that sounds good.

Hubs: I think we should use some good china.
Me: Uh-huh. (Sighing at this point.)

Hubs: How about those leftover caramelized yams?
Me: Uh-huh, fine.

Hubs: I'm cutting up some pickles and putting some olives on a plate.
Me: Uh-huh, fine.

Hubs: I'm making a pitcher of sassafras tea.
Me: Okay, but not everyone likes the taste of it so why don't we have juice or something.

Hubs made a pitcher of the sassafras tea and had to explain what it was and how he loved it growing up. I knew the drink would necessitate a history of his childhood! It did. Sigh.

She and I had water. I think hubs was disappointed she didn't try the sassafras tea. (Snicker)

After dinner and after they left, I cut the rest of the ham off the bone and wrapped it up and threw away the bone. I told him cleanup was up to him and left the kitchen.

Let's see how long it is before he asks anyone over to dinner again. ;-) I love this man to no end. :-)

A yellow laundry room is quite cheerful.

Ireland. Love that country.

Painted cookies? Adorable.

Sweet tweet hangers. ;-)

Darling cups and bowls.

Aren't these the most adorable hatboxes you've ever seen?! I love them.

Old world walkway with pretty tubs of colorful flowers to brighten up the drab stone homes.

More beautiful perfume bottles.

Darling kitchen with plenty of work space.

I really, really, REALLY like this room!

A profusion of pink flowers on a balcony.

Cute ol' French tubs.

Pretty vintage green tri-fold doors.

Cute vignette in a vintage room.

Just some eye candy to leave with you.

Only U.S. town where mail arrives by mule: Supai, AZ (at the floor of the Grand Canyon).
Linking up with NMH Open House party.

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