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Another Rant

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I see a lot of women with copyrights on their photos. I'm not at all territorial about my photos. If you want to use any of them, even my personal ones, you have my permission. It's a form of flattery. I wouldn't put them out in the public domain if I didn't want them looked at and used. As I said, I'm not territorial. But...

I see some out there from other sites—and I'm talking graphics sites here—and women/bloggers are putting their "copyright" on them. They cannot be your copyright if you get them from a graphics site to use and put your name on them! How ridiculous can you be? And then you complain about someone taking your photos to show how beautiful your products are??? Puhleeeeze! How ridiculous can it get? Be flattered that someone considers them beautiful enough to use them. Rant over. ;-)

Another cottage in Carmel. I think this is a bakery.

Lovely textured and colored window probably in France or Italy.

Urn holding a gorgeous plant.

A sweet cozy outdoor room.

When I saw this little lace dress with pink ribbons on it, I immediately thought of a blessing dress for a little girl.

I would love to have this to display in my home. It just touches my heart in a number of ways.

A lady finger dessert with roses thrown in. Yuuummm.

Just a little bling thrown in for ya, chicks. :-)

A mailbox? Cute, whatever it is.

Every time I see baskets like this I want some, but I know I'll never get them.

Another upscale sun room not many of us can afford. I can appreciate it though; it's gorgeous.

I do love these chippy old boxes for putting on patios and porches though.

I think a pink plastic bucket like this would be just fine for a bouquet of roses.

While I wouldn't want to live here, I'd sure love to visit and have lunch on that dock. That would be fun.

Now, have a cupcake and enjoy your own life!

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