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What I've Been Making

Monday, November 25, 2013

My granddaughter, her hubby and their girls are here visiting. Of course you know they're the cutest great grandgirls in th' world, right? ;-) But I've been busy just getting things ready for their arrival and departure. I've been de-stashing this house as you may know and a lot of it is going to their new home in Woodinville, Wa.

I've been collecting some Fancy Nancy books for Caroline. Also, I've pulled down from the plant ledge over my kitchen the little cute houses I collected for several years. They are really cutesy so the girls will get 4 each for their bedrooms. The little "C" below also goes to Caroline. Someone from a group I was in many years ago gave it to me and I've had it perched on the top of the archway going from our living room to our dining room. It's time to give it up also.

Then I decided I wanted a pillow for my new living room chair. You'll see it below. I have a lot of that drop cloth left over from other things I've done so I went with that for the pillow.

I have a back pillow for another living room chair but I didn't especially like it so I unzipped it and used the insides for the new pillow, not realizing that the pillow was feathers. When I opened up the covering, I noticed a color beneath the thick fabric and thought it was kapok or shredded foam. It was feathers so I knew I'd have feathers all over the sewing/craft room. I took out about 1/4 to 1/3 of them, sewed it back up and saved the extra feathers in a bag to use some other time. But drop cloths being a very loose weave I have to sew around all the edges to secure them from unraveling. When I finished stuffing the feathers in and was sewing the opening closed I noticed a few areas on the ruffle that could unravel at some point. I simply ran around the ruffle edge with a "sealing" decorative stitch. See the photo below where I show it up close and what it looks like.

These are all the little houses.

This is a closeup on the left.

And this is a closeup on the right. I think th' girls will love them. Caroline is at the age where she wants "glam" everywhere. Can you hear me squealing?! Yessss, I have a froufrou great granddaughter with curly BIG hair!!! I can hardly contain myself.

This is the chair the aforementioned pillow now resides on. I love the look.

A bit different shot.

I attached a pretty ribbon flower on it.

This is our last initial so it's appropriate.

Here is the decorative stitch I mentioned above.

Does it seem like I'm fixated on the laundry room right now? I love my laundry room and it is unique. Not large at all but very accommodating for the two of us. It's a walk-through room to our garage so you know what I mean. I made it pizzazzy!

This is my second all time favorite painting by Susan Rios. I love her art. I discovered it back in the 80s in California. I saw the lithograph in Martin Lawrence gallery in San Jose and immediately bought it. I think at that time it was $500 but well worth it to me. Another lithograph hangs in my living room and that is one of three of my all-time favorites of here. I have small paintings of hers on my living room wall also. They're prints on canvas actually, a very affordable way to have some of your favorites if you can't afford the originals. I can't! They go for tens of thousands of dollars. That's not in my budget, trust me.

I adore these little Green Gate tins. I'd love to have them but I'm just not going to spend the money or shipping charges from Denmark.

Isn't this fireplace screen gorgeous? This mosaic artist has a good eye for detail. Gorgeous!

I love cute mugs but since we don't drink coffee it would be a waste to have too many. Hubby drinks a cup of hot chocolate every night; I drink one every once in a while.

Beautiful and colorful flowers.

No, this is not my bathroom, but it's definitely gorgeous and I'd love to have it.
Linking up with Pink Saturday.  

Just Jabberin' Today 11/19/2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This is my laundry room just above the washer and dryer. For years I used a large box of Tide with a handle on top and one on the side to pull it down to use when I'm doing laundry. Well, I've had to tape it with very strong duct tape to hold it together as it's getting a bit flimsy. So I tried a pretty box that was strong to put my detergent in. After a while I thought it might break the small metal handle. So I looked around the internet and found this metal one at Pottery Barn for $29 and hubs said to go ahead and get it since I just couldn't make up my mind. So here it is and it may get painted white and decals put on it. We'll see. But it fits there perfectly at 8" X 8" square, very strong and not so tall that it wouldn't fit in there. Score!!! I love it; however, I didn't throw away the old Tide box. Why do they change styles on things that we love and worked for us? I don't think a mother/woman/executive would design like men are doing now. No, I am not a feminist but women do have a different view as to what works for woman who are homemakers. I absolutely love being home all the time.

Okay, this is my very first foray into buying Cath Kidston. Squeeeeallll!!! I've always loved her style but especially her dishes. So recently with a coupon and free shipping I bought these 4 gorgeous little bowls...

and these 3 cups. Hubby has his own favorite mug to drink hot chocolate out of so I just got three for me. I'm telling you they are simply gorgeous in person. These are called Stanley mugs and are much bigger than one of our "regular" mugs here in the U.S. They had a Crush mug but it was a bit smaller I think and a bit different in its shape. But I chose these Stanley mugs and love displaying them in my kitchen.

I really do like the look of some French things around my house, but I'm not one to go all-white. I love pink and that's what color my home is. I just couldn't have all white as I'd find it too boring. I love color! So after making over those little foot stools with drop cloth fabric (see that post here), I'm also going to make a pillow or two for some chairs. I have so many beautiful pillows I've bought over the years and hate to get rid of them but it might just have to happen. Granddaughter will have first choice when she's here for Thanksgiving and then the rest might go on eBay. Many are feather-filled pillows. Some are beautiful European prints. All are gorgeous. If any of you are interested, send me an email and I'll take pictures of all of them and you can make your choice. I'm not going to bother putting them all on here. I'll just take some pictures and keep them for any inquiries, but I doubt you'll be disappointed in any of them.

I actually love the look of things like this out in the open. I don't have a large kitchen, in fact, it's small, just the size for senior citizens (that's old people to some of you) and people who don't like cooking everyday and love eating out (that's ME!). I don't have enough space in my kitchen to do this, but I have vases and beautiful pitchers holding kitchen utensils in my kitchen.

What a delightfully colored chandelier.

I like the look of this mosaic table but I'd paint it white. I do love white furniture.

Another squeeeeeallll! Isn't this adorable? I saw it on the internet and have no idea who did it but I'd love to have one to hang on my porch.

See what you can do with a plain ol' chest! Jazz it up with stencils. I find it darling.

Now this? Ooooohmygosh. Of course, I love Christie Repasy's art but she outdid herself with this little gem. I'd love to have it but I'm not willing to pay high prices this probably got. My hubby would probably faint if I spent money on something that looks like it's falling apart. He just doesn't get it and never will. ;-)

I'm going to make one of these to hold...something, just haven't figured out what. But if it turns out cute then I'll make one for a giveaway. Wouldn't you like something this cute to hang in your laundry room? I already have 3 darling ones I made hanging in mine but there's always room for a few others. :-)

Yes, I also like these little baskets but I don't have room for a lot of "fluff" around here. I would dearly love to have one though as I'm very visual and just looking at gorgeous things makes my heart flutter and my eyes glaze over.

I'm old enough to remember these drying frames and love seeing my whites hanging on a line drying. The sun actually bleaches them naturally for you and just seeing them out there brings back memories to me. I recently found some indoor drying racks on a pulley system in the UK but they were several hundred dollars and that ain't gonna fly with this chick! They were really nice looking and would be great to have for winter time and if you didn't have a dryer.

I'm not this organized but I love looking at it. I rarely give gifts so I don't wrap a lot of things. But when I do wrap it's on the kitchen table. I hate wrapping packages. I really do.

And I love looking at white linens. That reminds me that I need some new sheets. I have some Lily Pulitzer pink patterned ones and I love them but apparently she isn't selling sheets anymore as I cannot find any. I also love very high thread count sheets and will only sleep on great sheets. I feel the difference actually. My daughter bought 600 count sheets just for her spare bedroom for when we visit. She was taught well by her mother! That would be ME!

Kitchen Cabinet Options For Storage And Display

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kitchen Cabinet Options: Pictures, Options, Tips & Ideas : Kitchen ...
Kitchen Cabinet Options: Pictures, Options, Tips & Ideas : Kitchen
Kitchen Cabinet Options: Pictures, Options, Tips & Ideas : Kitchen ...
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options ...
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options ...
Espresso Cups: a storage and display solution for easy access ...
Espresso Cups: a storage and display solution for easy access
Espresso Cups: a storage and display solution for easy access ...
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options ...
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options
Pictures of Kitchen Cabinets: Beautiful Storage & Display Options ...

Home Craft Ideas

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Craft ideas for home décor Home Design Tips CreativeHomeDesigning.
Craft ideas for home décor Home Design Tips CreativeHomeDesigning.
Craft ideas for home décor Home Design Tips CreativeHomeDesigning.
Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Craft Room & Home Studio Ideas
Handmade craft ideas for crafty people | Merry May Handmade
Handmade craft ideas for crafty people | Merry May Handmade
Handmade craft ideas for crafty people | Merry May Handmade

Contemporary Bathroom Designs

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Color and Lighting in Contemporary Bathroom Interior Designs ...
Color and Lighting in Contemporary Bathroom Interior Designs
Color and Lighting in Contemporary Bathroom Interior Designs ...
Very Big Bathroom Inspirations from Boffi | DigsDigs
Very Big Bathroom Inspirations from Boffi | DigsDigs
Very Big Bathroom Inspirations from Boffi | DigsDigs
Contemporary Simple Bathroom Interior Design - Interior Design ...
Contemporary Simple Bathroom Interior Design - Interior Design
Contemporary Simple Bathroom Interior Design - Interior Design ...
Contemporary Bathroom Design
Contemporary Bathroom Design
Contemporary Bathroom Design

Blue Living Room Design

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Living Rooms In Blue And Brown | Interior Decorating
Living Rooms In Blue And Brown | Interior Decorating
Living Rooms In Blue And Brown | Interior Decorating
33 Blue Living Room Decorating Ideas | Best Interior Design Blogs
33 Blue Living Room Decorating Ideas | Best Interior Design Blogs
33 Blue Living Room Decorating Ideas | Best Interior Design Blogs
Modern Blue Living Room | REJIG Home Design
Modern Blue Living Room | REJIG Home Design
Modern Blue Living Room | REJIG Home Design
40 Friendly and Fresh Blue Interior Design Ideas
40 Friendly and Fresh Blue Interior Design Ideas
40 Friendly and Fresh Blue Interior Design Ideas

HGTV Dream Home 2014

Saturday, November 16, 2013

HGTV Dream Home 2014: Rendering and Floor Plan : Dream Home : Home ...
HGTV Dream Home 2014: Rendering and Floor Plan : Dream Home : Home
HGTV Dream Home 2014: Rendering and Floor Plan : Dream Home : Home ...
Presenting the HGTV Dream Home 2014 Location « HGTV Dreams Happen ...
Presenting the HGTV Dream Home 2014 Location « HGTV Dreams Happen
Presenting the HGTV Dream Home 2014 Location « HGTV Dreams Happen ...
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HGTV Dream Home 2014: Location Clue Two « HGTV Dreams Happen ...
HGTV Dream Home 2014: Location Clue Two « HGTV Dreams Happen
HGTV Dream Home 2014: Location Clue Two « HGTV Dreams Happen ...
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