I was talking to my daughter last night to see if she had gotten her water bill with the city straightened out. She recently bought another house in the same neighborhood and got her first water bill. It was almost $500! She was astounded since it's just her and her fiancè. After calling them and disputing that only 2 people could not possibly use 892 gallons a day on average, they told her to check for leaks. They checked in the back yard and nothing. So this weekend they checked in the front yard and and found a leak. It was the realtor who had turned something on and since no one had lived there for a while until my daughter moved in, the leak wasn't discovered until she got the bill. She's going to talk to the realtor and tell him he needs to pay at least part of the bill since her bill has never been over $80.
Anyway, she's still getting the house set up from the move since they took about 3-4 months to move over and did it themselves with the help of her son. That saved them a great deal of money as moving companies are expensive.
She was lamenting that she has missed doing her mosaics for several months and I said the same thing to her—I'm greatly missing crafting. So Friday hubs helped me put up the table in there and unload a box or two so I could get the other boxes unpacked and get back to doing what I love.
I have several of these white hanging lamps around my office here and decided I wanted to paint them pink. Different colors of pink. Only 2 were hanging and the other 3 were just sitting on top of a bookshelf awaiting...well, awaiting this old lady to decide what to do with them. So yesterday while Love Bunny was at a model train meet I painted away. One of the pinks I used turned out to be way too pink/red so I went over it with white after it dried to try to tone it down a bit and it looks kind of marbeled. I like it but now I just have to figure out where to put them in this room. This was taken before I painted that one pink.

So was this one.
Anyway, she's still getting the house set up from the move since they took about 3-4 months to move over and did it themselves with the help of her son. That saved them a great deal of money as moving companies are expensive.
She was lamenting that she has missed doing her mosaics for several months and I said the same thing to her—I'm greatly missing crafting. So Friday hubs helped me put up the table in there and unload a box or two so I could get the other boxes unpacked and get back to doing what I love.
I have several of these white hanging lamps around my office here and decided I wanted to paint them pink. Different colors of pink. Only 2 were hanging and the other 3 were just sitting on top of a bookshelf awaiting...well, awaiting this old lady to decide what to do with them. So yesterday while Love Bunny was at a model train meet I painted away. One of the pinks I used turned out to be way too pink/red so I went over it with white after it dried to try to tone it down a bit and it looks kind of marbeled. I like it but now I just have to figure out where to put them in this room. This was taken before I painted that one pink.
So was this one.
This is the large one after painting it. I took off the rose that was on it and stuck in these 4 coffee filter ones that I made in it instead. They tend to tilt if the top has an uneven amount of roses on them.
The large one in the back is the one I painted pink and then white. It turned out rather well. These hanging lamps are so cheap at a party store that if I messed up it's only a couple of dollars and they really do jazz up a room.
Remember now, all of the above photos were taken at night. The ones below were taken in the morning with no lights on in that room. You can see I have to share this room, by choice actually, with our food storage. So it'll never be like one of those you see of serious crafters/designers. But it will look better when I get everything in place.