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English Country Rooms

Thursday, December 29, 2011

For this Pink Saturday's participants, just click on the logo below and go to Beverly's Blog where you'll see all the participants. It's my favorite thing to do on Saturday, and Beverly is just a sweet person to know.


For Pink Saturday I'm going to show a painting a dear sweet friend of mine painted and I bought a couple of years ago. She has gifted me with several of her beautiful roses paintings also. She does beautiful work. Her name is Lorena. I believe she incorporated pink into the Christmas stocking in a dazzling way. Just love it!


The holiday season is almost over, and it's calmed down here quite a bit, so I'd like to try and get back on track with blogging. I spent the Friday before Christmas in bed and didn't get out until Sunday night when Love Bunny cooked the whole turkey dinner for me. We believe I got food poisoning from a bad jar of salad dressing I used on tuna salad a few days before. I'm fine now though. And his dinner was superb. I did mash the potatoes for him however.

I'm sick to death of food at the moment. I ate my way through about 2 boxes of chocolates, a pumpkin roll a friend surprised me with (DELICIOUS!), numerous Milky Way Simply Caramel bars, cinnamon rolls, a Dutch apple pie, a pumpkin pie, Coldstone Creamery LARGE (Is that one called Gotta Have It?) chocolate ice cream dish, Olive Garden Black Tie Mousse pie, Applebee's Triple Chocolate Overload cake, pumpkin cookies, a popcorn and nut mix with chocolate drizzle, a cake that sent my taste buds into survival mode with all the sugar in the frosting and a Jack in the Box Chocolate overload cake also. My sugar level is right up there with the National Debt, trust me.

So with that being said, let's view some pictures of some English homes I love. I incorporate English, a touch of French, Traditional, Romantic, Shabby, Chic and a bit of ME thrown into the mix in my decorating. I always have thrown in a bit of ME, but certainly over the years my styles have changed. Just view the rooms without me saying too much about them. Pictures speak louder than my words ever could.


And just for your information, I'll have more pictures this week with more thoughts on 24 and Jack Bauer very soon. ;-)

Bathroom Ideas for Small Bathrooms

Sunday, December 25, 2011

bathroom ideas

Bathroom ideas for small bathrooms, are you have just a little space to design your bathroom? or you need to add a simple bathroom on your house, or maybe you want to design a guest bathroom? this bathroom ideas my inspire you how to design a small bathroom, the article was taken from mlejit.net, the topic is about small bathroom ideas, the tips can also be applied for bathroom remodeling ideas, here are the tips:
  • Pick a pearly white color on bathroom tile ideas or bathroom paint ideas, Go with classic white and express your sense of style with the design of the fixtures.
  • Use a sliding door, avoid to use a sing door that need more spacious, try to use a sliding door, you will get a gain additional floor space once reserved for the door swing.
  • Good lighting, Small spaces call for good lighting to avoid feeling cramped and depressing. It’s doubly important in bathrooms where shaving and applying makeup require strong light. So don’t skimp on light fixtures. Instead, consider using both wall-mounted sconces and ceiling-hung fixtures. Remember, windows provide natural light, which is an easy and inexpensive way to open up a small room or small bathroom ideas.
  • Bathroom tile ideas and sink, One way to choose which type of flooring you are going to settle with is see which type of material you used on the sink. Ceramic counter top and tiles will probably be the easiest to find and the most inexpensive. The most expensive of the materials will probably be glass.
  • Bathroom decorating ideas, Bathroom decorating for some of several bathroom ideas can become quite costly, there are some great small bathroom decorating ideas that you can use if your bathroom isn’t huge, selecting the right colored paint, choosing the best bathroom furniture, or you can also call a professional to help you
 to see details, please visit http://mlejit.net/interior/bathroom-ideas-to-transform-your-small-bathrooms/

Small bedroom ideas for couples

Friday, December 23, 2011

Small bedroom ideas usually adopted by young couples, there are two main problem in designing  small bedroom ideas for young couple. One, Clear the Clutter, Nothing says, "not tonight honey", than a bedroom that is messy and unorganized, Take a quick look at your room? Well, how does it stack up? Laundry put away, bed made, clothes picked up and out of sight? . And two, Get rid of all other distractions, Where is your mind wandering, when you are in your bedroom? Remember, this is about romance and concentrating on just the two of you.
bedroom ideas for couple
bedroom ideas for couple
Small bedroom ideas for couple should be romantic, what ever the bedroom themes you used, we need some fresh flower, scatter rose petals, and lighting ideas. Lighting is very effective in spicing up romance. Light scented candles and position them all over the room. Dim the lights or turn them completely off, so the candlelight can create a romantic glow.
Small bedroom ideas for couples
Small bedroom ideas for couples

Purchase a new set of silk or satin sheets to give your bed a romantic and luxurious look and feel!, Take down the family photos. Choose to display them in another room, you don't want grama and the kids watching you. Instead choose a couple of romantic pictures and or mirrors. Okay, you now have more than a few Romantic Bedroom Ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Now, it's your turn to take these ideas and add your personal touch, to create that romantic haven you've always dreamed about.

Small Bedroom Ideas
Small Bedroom Ideas

Roses and Fancy Plates for Pink Saturday 12/24/2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Welcome to Pink Saturday just before Christmas 2011. It's a special time of year because we celebrate the birth of our Savior and I love watching the hustle and bustle of it even though we've given up on gift giving except for the 2 youngest grandsons and our sweet Miss Caroline, our first great grandchild. We'll see her in about a month when we go over to visit with our little munchkin for a week. Here is a picture of her with her mummy, her aunt and new cousin, Ethan. They actually have the same hairline but different color. He sure is a doll. His mummy is the prettiest physician I've ever seen. Isn't she lovely?

But as always, I thank Beverly for each Pink Saturday and her sweet willingness to help me give away 12 aprons because we are trying to get rid of unnecessary stuff. Thank you again, Beverly. She is one of the sweetest and kindest bloggers I know.


I decided recently to bite the bullet and get rid of some china plates I've collected over the years. Let me assure you this was no easy decision. I absolutely adore these plates but it's time to get rid of them. Now, I've thought of taking them to the thrift store or giving them to my daughter to do mosaics with them (She's insistent that I give them to her) but before I do that I'd like to see if someone else who won't cut them up would like to have them. I won't give these away but if you see any plate or set of plates you'd like, email me and I'll give you the thrift store price, but you must consider the cost of mailing them to you. That can be more than the actual plate. If there is no interest, they go to California with us this spring for my daughter to cut up. I don't plan on being around when she does it as I can't watch it; I'll cry. :-(











Butter pat plates.


I love this plate and will find it hard to get rid of if someone wants it.

A rose covered honey pot. Not many of these around.


Love Bunny bought this for me at an estate sale as a surprise but I don't use it.



Anything you see ABOVE this picture is available, not anything below here. I'm keeping just enough plates to furnish a table for my family. And if we have any more great grandkids then they get the Melmac plates. :-) I refuse to hold onto stuff anymore. Letting go and getting rid of so much "fluff" is more important. Both my kids and granddaughter have more than I do and don't want any more stuff. It goes!

Just a few crystal stemware for us to entertain "lightly".

enough dishes to do the same.

These are the dishes I had crammed into that china cabinet.


Bedroom ideas for teenage girls

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bedroom ideas are today's hot topic, the moment of new year home decoration make the trend on home designs are changing so fast. People try to searching for the trend for each home decoration. Here again, I will share you several bedroom ideas for teenage girls, this post is inspired by bedroom ideas for young adults.

Most of the teen girls bedroom designs are wanted by girls with pink color to explore their romantic feeling. Having lovely and romantic teen girls bedroom become one of the girls dreams as from this room comfort and pleasure can be well experienced by teen girls. Teenage girls are special, they want to decorate her private room in special too, so it's important to adopt her interest or hobby to the theme of the bedroom, Here are some bedroom ideas that you can apply for your teenager.
Bedroom Ideas for Teenage girls
Bedroom Ideas for Teenage girls
Bedroom ideas for teenage girls from digsdigs.com
Bedroom ideas for teenage girls from homedesignsnow.net

Bedroom ideas for teenage girls from besthomegallery.com

Thoughts on the Season

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I love this time of year but not for the obvious reason of gift giving. Hubs and I gave that up several years ago. As a matter of fact, this is the farthest I've come to decorating this year and it's December 20th already. Hubs got the tree down from the garage attic two nights ago and finally set it up last night. I have neither the desire or the energy to decorate it yet. It's that simple. I wouldn't decorate at all because it's just the two of us and no one is coming this year but my sweet Love Bunny loves having a tree. It makes no difference to me as my heart is in the real reason for this season of the year. I adore the feelings of Christmas not the commercialization of it. Ooooh, don't get me wrong; I've eaten my way through Wal-Mart's candy aisle three times now. Then there's the Christmas day and the day after Christmas when things—candy!—go on sale. Hold me back, please. It'll take me months to even care about food again. I sit here trying to get up the nerve to go in to cook dinner even though I have absolutely no hunger at the moment. Food just seems obscene to me right now, but I did promise hubs fried potatoes and tuna salad, one of his favorite meals. Sigh.

Anyway, these are pictures of how far I've gotten today. Read on for more of the reason.

Just a bit of eye candy for you while I tell you the reason. I think I'll sit and make more ribbon roses while watching Netflix. Again, read on...

24 and Jack Bauer!
I love that series. Since we don't have a television and don't want one I subscribed to Netflix for a free month and a friend told me about the series 24 since she knows I love action movies and not chick flicks. I have never seen it until about a week ago. I watch it every chance I get. I'm in season five with three more seasons to go. Give me a hero who follows his own dictates and kills every bad guy in sight and I'm in heaven!

But I do have some comments on 24.

Since my brother-in-law is a retired FBI agent I can assure you the female agents do NOT run around in high heels.

The two original female leads were pathetically bad actresses and should have been written out of the series way before they got killed. They showed about as much emotion as a bag of dog food.

Jack Bauer's writers must have a "thing" for tall, emaciated, no talent women. Makes one wonder.

There are way too many women in authority roles: CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit), etc. That does not happen in real life and the ones in the plots were nothing but insecure women making real women look like career-grabbing hussies. That is not true in real life.

Agents don't run around with their windows down when guarding the President. Just not done.

The agents spend way more time on the phone than necessary. Why don't they just say, "If you'd stop calling me, I'd be able to get some work done."

Is there a women in CTU who hasn't slept with Jack Bauer or Tony Almeida? Ooooh, puleeeeze.....

The most used statement in the series: Let me make one thing clear.

You've got to have a death wish to be around Jack Bauer.

I'll have more later but all-in-all I absolutely love the show!!!

Home Theater Rooms Design

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Home theater rooms, If you like to watch movie, and sometimes fill more enjoy for watch a movie on your home, why don't you build a personal home theater room? this time I will share you several sample of home theater rooms that you can apply one of them into your house.

Home theater rooms design 1

Personal home theater rooms
custom home theater room
perfect home theater room design

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