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Changed Laundry Room Curtains for Pink Saturday

Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy pink saturday to all of you. Go visit with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to view all the PS participants. You'll love seeing all the pink!

I loved the fabric of the curtains in the laundry room but decided I wanted something with more roses on it for the moment. This, you understand, is subject to change on any given day. Sunshine is so abundant in this room from the solartube that I couldn't get a good shot of the fabric but here it is. Tiny floral bouquets of roses. Looks great I think. Still thinking of more things to do to that little room.


My sweet friend, Judy, at Vintage To Chic is having a huge giveaway you will NOT want to miss so go and visit with her and enter. All this in the photo is what she is giving away plus she is having a big sale on her website. So see!

Best Interior Painting Ideas for House Remodeling

Friday, July 31, 2009

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Your home is the place you go to get away from the stress of work and traffic, and it gives you a sense of security and comfort. So why not use one of the best and least expensive home interior decorating techniques to help create the sanctuary you want.
Best Interior Painting Ideas for House Remodeling
The proper application of paint on walls, floors, or furniture can change the look of a room at very little cost. Using the right paint, selecting the proper product, and using professional-style techniques will give you the results worthy of your home. Get all the information you'll need on interior paint types, products, materials and application. Also, color selection and tips from the pros, faux painting techniques, and paint estimator tools. Plus detailed how-tos on painting interior rooms!
Best Interior Painting Ideas for House Remodeling
Picture courtesy by ymrenovation
Best Interior Painting Ideas for House Remodeling

Love Bunny's Minty Green Office

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We are finally done with every single room in this house being repainted!!! Squeeeeeal....... Okay, so it wasn't as bad an ordeal as I had anticipated but I'm so glad it's over. No more disruption. No more having painter being around all day. No more having to be careful when going to the bathroom. No more........well, you get the idea. I'm so thrilled.

The contrast between the beige and the new color as he did the cutting in.

It almost looks like an iridescent blue but the true color shows below. Just showing you the contrast here.

This is the finished room.

Time to start putting the new desk, credenza and printer table in. Hubs is soooo excited.

A good photo of the true color. I'm not sure what accent color I want now. Hubs asked me to not put pink in there. What color do you think for curtains? I've decided to not put the black and white toile or checks in there. I think maybe I'll head to WM and see what is available.

Some of this is going to be given away or sold. There is no room for it in there and it is NOT staying in my office/computer room! Truthfully, I can't even give away some of my stuff. I've tried! We have a desk with a separate bookcase top and a printer table that is in excellent condition and have asked a couple of people if they wanted it and they answered "no"! Go figure. So I listed it on Craigslist and had a call immediately for the desk, the top and the computer table. He came and looked and his wife loved it but left without purchasing it. I couldn't figure that one out. If you saw my home and furnishings you KNOW I take excellent care of everything. Just stymied me. So the desk, top bookcase and computer stand are sitting on my front porch

Random Thought:

It's rare than hubs will wipe up bread crumbs on the counter top after making a sandwich. (He just doesn't think about it.) So if I didn't do it then after about a year I'd have enough bread crumbs to stuff a turkey........uhhhh, not HIM, an actual turkey!

Rose Painted Rustic Star and Gazebo

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

By now most of you have become acquainted with my quest to paint gorgeous, if not decent (I'd take this in a heart beat!) roses. I've mentioned that I purchased this 30" star recently and painted it pink. I finally got the rose painted on it. Not quite as I'd like to have done it but passable. I may put some more roses on it. Painting on a pointed star that is three dimensional is rough, chicks! I finally gave up but trust me, the photo of the finished star so far is better than actually seeing it in person.

I tried!

Then I tried again. Passable............

Impatient to see it hanging on our garage wall by the front porch, Love Bunny put the screw in the wood and I hung it out.

Ya just don't wanna get too close, my sweet bloggers. *Smile*

Can I hear a few hands clapping, please! For fortitude!!!

To answer a few bloggers questions about our gazebo, yes, I'm finished with it for now. It's been too hot to even go outside lately with the daily temperatures exceeding 100° here in the desert. I've hung 4 hanging lanterns I made out of old canning jars and added tea lights but I haven't lit them yet. Faux greenery and mini lights go around the bottom of the dome but haven't sat out there yet to enjoy them. But soon the temperatures will be such that we may be able to sit out at night and if so, I'll get pictures then.

That tree on the left in my neighbor's yard is just 4 years old. Isn't that amazing that it could grow that high in such a short time? The owner offered us a sapling 4 years ago but hubs said no since it grows up to 70 ft. tall.

How to Makeover your House Interior with Green Color

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Makeover your House Interior with Green Color
Green color scheme is one of best color in creating a convenience interior, these post is talking about how to makeover your house interior in green color scheme. The most important thing before 'makeover' is choosing the right color combination and consider it with the function of the room, lighting system, size of the room and another related thing. Here are several steps in makeover your interior:
  • color combination is everything, choose just a similar or two another smooth color such as pink or sky blue.
  • maximize your wall decoration, this can make the room alive, caused by the naturally of the green color
  • use just a little dark color as a strip or another small decoration,
  • lighting is all. Lighting is the most important aspect, so use a health, cheap and convenience lighting system.
How to Makeover your House Interior with Green Color

How to Makeover your House Interior with Green Color

How to Makeover your House Interior with Green Color


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Something new!
My friend and fellow blogger Lorena is having "Share your collections party" and would like some others to join in. So go check her blog to get the particulars.

Several people have asked me to get a photo of the gazebo at night so we went out the other night when it got dark and COOL. It's been so hot here in the desert and since we're pretty far north it stays light until about 9:45 - 10 pm in the summer. This was just before 10 pm and the sky was still a bit twilight.

This is our patio with the lights I strung and a little canning jar candle I hung out there. It's a steel patio that looks like wood but we figured it would last far longer out there with our temperature extremes. The only negative thing is that hubs has to put in cup holders for me to put things up so that limits me. The lights are simply wrapped around a metal pole he put up for me to put the sheers on and then he put the cup hook on the 3rd side for the lantern and to hold the lights up on that side.

Here it is before I plugged in the lights..........

And here it is with the lights on.

Just a different view from another side. It really is lovely in person.

I asked Love Bunny to make me a fireplace screen for in front of the mantel for the fireplace that doesn't exist. He asked why. I said "ambiance." He then got the picture, and we went to Home Depot to purchase wood. Now, this was to be a simple fireplace screen but you would have thought I had asked him to build me a Louis XIV desk or something as elegant. *Sigh*.......

We settled on a sheet of plywood that I could paint. I'm not kidding you when I tell you that he agonized over that every time I brought it up about the dimensions. It was NOT a real fireplace that it was going to be in front of so I didn't care too much about the dimensions, only that the screen didn't cover up the entire space. I wanted some pink to show through and to just be a bit of "fluff" for that space.

We finally settled on dimension of 36" high and 36" wide, but he came in just before he cut it and asked if I was sure. I said yes. He cut the main piece and then the sides, which he was putting together with piano hinges. We decided on 12" and then I changed my mind to 9" and he cut them. When he put them on I thought an "angle" would look appropriate and pretty on those side pieces since I wasn't going to get "scalloped" or pretty edges. He just about fainted. (He can be a tad overdramatic at times, but that is NOT very often so I'll forgive him.) He was just about to put the piano hinges on so he stopped, measured again, cut the angles and finished it so I could work MY magic on it. Why do men make it seem like a major project when it is soooooo simple for us women???

The back is not going to be painted because no one will ever see it.

I painted it white and will start froufrou-ing it up as soon as I decide on the decals I want to use.

A blogger, and I can't remember who, suggested I put some faux greenery in there while I'm making the fireplace screen. I did and this is how it looks. I appreciated that suggestion and it looks really nice not being so bare for the time being.

Picture Arranging

Monday, July 27, 2009

Everyone has their own ideas on arranging pictures. I'm sure there is a proper way according to decorators but the new school of picture arranging says that just about anything goes if you like it. I subscribe to both. I like different arrangements and am somewhat symmetrical for the most part. Pleasing to the eye (MINE) is my main criteria. The other definite absolute I subscribe to is not hanging them too high. I've said this before: most homes I go into have them above my head. The main or one and only picture on the wall. No, no, no!!! They would look better lower than normal than higher than normal. Eye level doesn't mean a 6' 5" person's eyes. It's somewhere around 5'—at the center of the picture—for it to look right. Now, if you have several pictures on the wall that doesn't apply. Go up or down depending. Just do have them up so high that someone has to look UP to see them. Exceptions apply to little children. ;-)

That being said I put some old pictures on the walls and added some I "made." I saw 2 really pretty prints on the internet and printed them out on card stock to put into frames behind the family room sofa. If I knew where to buy the prints I would have but no such luck. Just some lovely prints I wanted to gaze my eyes upon once in a while. I didn't want to go to the expense of having them framed so I took some old frames I had, painted them white and stuck them to the wall with velcro picture mounts. That way I can change them around if necessary. The picture I simply put in the center with fun-tac. Worked well for me and no expense.

You wouldn't believe what is under, behind, on the right and on the left side of that sofa!! Just until I get everything the way I want it, chicks. *Smile*

Mosaic Monday Ribbons 7/27/09

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mary at littleredhouse is having another Mosaic Monday so please go visit her to see the list of bloggers who are sharing their exquisite photos of their "fluff"!!

I have a big hat box full of different ribbons I bought or had scraps that were left over throughout the years. Not one of these ribbons was repeated in the making of this mosaic. Plus I have even more boxes and bags of ribbons. I've got to stop buying them!

Master Bath Redo July 2009 and Pink Saturday

Friday, July 24, 2009

For this Pink Saturday I'm showing you our master bathroom. Please go visit with Beverly at howsweetthesound for all the participants for this event. I think you'll enjoy it. And also a "thank you" to Bev because this takes a lot of work to put it together each week with more and more bloggers participating.

I also want to give a shout out to a sweet lady and her business on ebay selling decals - very inexpensively! I needed some decals recently and she went out of her way to accommodate me. I told her I'd give her some advertising for being so kind and helpful. Go see Christine at Shabby Cottage Decals on ebay.

I cannot get a good shot of our bathroom as it is so close in there but here is what I could come up with for you. This is only the tub area. There is a shower to the right of it but it's not very "inspiring" and neither is the double sink area where we groom each morning. I doubt that you'd want to see our toilet room either although it has a border, shelves and magazine rack in it. But as I said, this is our "scaled down forever" house and not especially elegant. But there is a lot of love in this house and it is very quiet and peaceful. I want it to be pleasing to the Lord but I personally have a bit of a ways to go in that department. *Sigh*.........

The shelf went back in with a few changes.

The bird cage went back up with the swag now netting instead of the long window scarf. I cannot tell you how much better things look with the pink background and it matches beautifully with the stone surround on the tub, which thankfully isn't beige but more of a taupe—my favorite "neutral" accent color other than white.

A close view of the ceiling hook which holds the scarf, ribbon roses that I made and the bird cage.

I "poofed" the sides also and added the paper roses. I think it looks much more elegant than just a plain tub area.

I added more roses to the tub surround and hid all the paraphernalia one needs when in the tub behind an inflatable pink shell back support. You can't see it very well but it's on the left side bottom. Fancy sponges and soaps can be seen, but the Nair, razor blades and stuff to pretty up the feet are hidden behind it.

And lastly, this is the walk in closet with our clothes, sheets, towels and all the stuff one would normally put in a medicine cabinet but our medicine cabinets hold my makeup and hubs' grooming stuff. Doesn't it look neat and orderly?

I cannot tell you how happy I am that everything is pink now. It just looks fantastic to me. Now, if hubs will just let the painter know when he is ready to have his office painted it'll be over. One tropical green room isn't so bad a price to pay for the rest of the house to be PINK!

Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House

Friday, July 24, 2009

Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House
A green house is a trend of home design today, the concept of green house is using more of natural material and maximize the function of nature to make the room convenience. We can also use a natural green color to decorate our room and interior, so, by bring the nature into our house, the house looks matched with it's outdoor natural environment.
Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House

Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House
The overall design was meant to harken to the classic interiors found in the English country house of a century ago--rooms filled with antiques, sculptural furniture pieces, and botanical patterns and prints on the walls.
Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House

Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House
The trick to combining many patterns in a room is to choose a common color scheme, A variety of bold patterns won't clash when linked by a limited palette, To avoid overwhelming the space, its better to using no more than two large-scale prints and keeping other patterns geometric
Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House

Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House
To keep a room visually exciting, its recommends to combining furniture of various sizes and heights so the eye is drawn to different points. By putting a few pieces of large furniture in a small space, a room feels bigger, It's a trick of the eye and a fact about decorating that surprises.
Green Home Ideas, Bring the Nature to Your House
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