I started off making little rosettes out of the sheers I bought at WM for $4.75 each, tied them with gossamer sheer pink organza ribbon over a rubber band that secured them while I tied on the ribbon. I'm going to find pretty roses that aren't too expensive to put on there also.

They look lovely hanging and blowing in the freeze. Hubs suggested little string lights and I'm going to do that along with some pretty ivy or some kind of foliage that doesn't look too cheap either if I can find some this afternoon.

They look lovely hanging and blowing in the freeze. Hubs suggested little string lights and I'm going to do that along with some pretty ivy or some kind of foliage that doesn't look too cheap either if I can find some this afternoon.

A close up of the top of the sheer rosette. If you look closely you can see the hook on which I plan on hanging some candle lanterns I made out of old jars. I just have to figure out how to hang all 5 of them! Trust me, I can do it.

Okay, so patience isn't a virtue I've conquered yet! I went out this afternoon, found some ivy at WM and went ahead and added the faux ivy garland since hubs is not home yet for dinner. This chick is on a roll today! Found some pretty flowers but didn't have time to add them at the same time. I'm loving it even more!

Closer view of the top.

I even bought this little wind chime at Michaels at 50% off and it produces the most melodious tinkling sound.

Random Thought:
Fettucini Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.