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Main Street in a Small Town

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The last time my daughter came to visit we trekked main street in town. Although it's a town of about 80,000 it's considered a large small town. It's perfect for us anyway.

We went into a couple of shops—there aren't very many and only a few antique ones. When we asked this lady if we could photograph her store, she asked how much it would cost. We chuckled and said "nothing, it's free advertisement." She graciously consented. It's called "Aunt Hattie's Attic" and is just quaint. I plan on going back there today and perhaps making a purchase or two..........or three.......... *Wink*.........

I like this kitchen island but I'll have to measure and see if it will fit in our kitchen. I doubt it but one never knows, does one? Truthfully, I was so busy taking photos that day that I didn't even "spy" this island until I got home and was downloading the photos and editing them that I saw this island! Sometimes I can be very unobservant. DUH!

Plus I've been looking for a little side table for my comfy leather chair. There may be something here I could use.

I snapped these hats and didn't even "see" the vintage millinery on the pink one!! I can't believe I did that.

Just delightful stuff packed into a very small space.

A wedding gown, veil and a little child's stove.

I liked this wrought iron set but I have no clue what I'd do with it. My patio isn't big enough to put it on.

Since it was the holiday season she had a display of little cottages.

Lots of plates, but I truly prefer to get mine at yard sales—much cheaper!

This little wicker chest might just find its way to my home if the price is right. As I said, when I'm photographing that's all I do—photograph. I rarely see the items until I'm editing the photos.

I believe this is called blue transferware. I'm not even close to being knowledgeable on these kinds of things.

I'll take a closer look at this little table also. Hubs is gonna be surpriiiiiiiiseeeeeeed tonight, I think!!! Hah

Another distinct possibility. I can see this painted white, can't you?

Closer look at that wedding dress and veil. Bertieeeeeeeee........squeeeeeeeeeal!!!

I could get this for my great grandchild if my gorgeous granddaughter would get busy and give us one!!!!!!!

I see possibilities with this chair also. Painted white and reupholstered.

Just some other stops on Main street.

This kids pants were hanging below his b*tt! I swear I don't know how they can even keep them up. He gave us a dirty look but hey, ask me if I care.

This is where I buy books. I used them a lot until I found the book exchange bookstore. I get them so cheap there with an exchange it's hard NOT to use them. But this is my 2nd choice. I'm telling you they have hundreds of thousands of books in there. It's a delight to visit with them. It actually smells like an antique book store. It takes me "away" when I go through their doors—as if going through a time portal into another century. *Sigh*........ But books are very much a part of my life and I read voraciously.

An upscale men's store in town.

This is rather a unique place. In its former life it was a car dealership but some very creative people saw its potential and turned it into a coffee shop. I didn't go inside but it's only open part of the day for coffee, tea, drinks, pastries and sandwiches. The owners actually open the doors during warm weather. I'll try and get more pictures later to show you.

Just some more shops along Main street.

This place didn't have very much and was very overpriced in my opinion. We didn't stay long.

A view of Main street from one end. Mainstream America!

There are a couple of little cafes but we didn't eat at this one. We did, however, eat at one that gave us portions of food that none of us—except Love Bunny–could eat! Hubs finished everything on his plate. I've tried to cure him of this malady but after 48 years there's not much hope left. If I ate like that I'd weight 300 pounds!

This is our police department. I have a love and adoration for all men who want to protect us. I strive to obey traffic laws so as not to get a ticket as it might change my perception of them, but to me they are heroes. These young men and women put their lives on the line daily to protect us. I salute them, EMTs and armed forces. I just can't say enough. I thought they deserved to be honored in this post.

And here's Love Bunny and my son-in-law at the model railroad train club in the basement of that last antique store above. Good looking dudes, wouldn't ya say?! Hah...

He's here every wednesday night and a good part of the day on saturdays. It's his "down" time and I'd never begrudge him that. He needs and deserves it. Plus he ain't out smokin', drinkin' or carousing with wild cowgirls (or cowboys for that matter. Hey, ya never know anymore!).

Our post office—a little bit of Americana.

I just snapped pictures of a few houses on our drive back to the house. They all have a certain appeal to me. But this first one is truly gorgeous.

A New Camera for Pink Saturday 2/28/09

Friday, February 27, 2009

The camera is another Canon PowerShot but it's an SD990 IS (which means image stabilizer and that helps it not be blurry if my hand shakes a bit. And ya never know with these old hands! Hah). It's a 14 mpx which is twice as many pixels as the old one, but it is astounding in its clarity. I love it. And I never had to change the settings at all on any of the pictures on this post!! Astounding!! I am just like a kid in a candy shop with new cameras. I am such a techie chick!

I was almost nose to nose with the rose in this picture - very close up and a bit blurry, but it was my first picture with this camera.

Backed off a little bit in this one.

Got in a bit closer and it worked well here. I cropped in closer to achieve the nearness of it but I was still further away than in the first one.

Very close in but turned out good. Plus I cropped in very closely on this picture.

Backed off a bit here and looks wonderful!

Not too tight a shot.

But got in very tight on this one. Cropped this picture a lot also.

Little too close here and a tad blurry but................

Backed off a bit here and it looks much better. Again, cropped closely here.

Now, for an astonishing bit of news here. I didn't change one setting while taking any and all of the above pictures! I didn't turn out the lights, adjust the nearness or the lighting at all. Isn't this amazing?!?!

Oooooh, and the other fact, none - not ONE, of these roses are real, but you would never ever know it by looking at them. They are all different types of roses and purchased at 3 different stores through the years but they defy anyone who sees them to think they are not real. They are gorgeous!

A Little Whine With My Eggs and Hershey Kisses!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I don't know about you but I love Hershey kisses. Do you know how many Hershey kisses you can get in a small mouth at one time? I'm still working on it! I'm determined to find the answer but scientific tests take time, ya know?!?!! I'm up to 7 now and still finding room. I'll be sure to let you know though........Back to the experiment.


It's getting close to easter and I love it because of the religious significance and the resurrection of our Savior.

But isn't this little easter egg card gorgeous?! It's probably the prettiest card I've ever seen. And you know what they say about pictures? They are never done the justice that the real thing can do. I attest to that today. Yep, true!!!!

Okay, most of you have read this blog about my whining with a computer company and receiving a new $2800.00 computer free! Well, I did it again, chicks!!! Squeeeeeeeeeal...

We went out to dinner at a mexican restaurant the other day and the car wash we really like and use was right across the parking lot so I thought I'd give it a try. I walked over there with Love Bunny and told them I'm a regular customer and wanted some free car washes and didn't have a coupon. As it would happen the manager and his family were just pulling away (I didn't realize who he was until he told me) and asked if I needed help and I explained it and he said to just go inside and tell the young man that J*** said I could have 5 free car washes with the purchase of 10 regular car washes. I did and got them - 15 for the price of 10 so that's quite a savings and I'll never use another car wash with service like that. Try it, chicks, because you just never know how it will turn out. I am soooooo blessed!!!!!

Combining storehouse furniture to create a niche livingroom

Thursday, February 26, 2009

niche livingroom
niche livingroomHere are several best interior room design by combining a several of furniture, including floor cabinets, wall mounted storage cabinet, and Wooden Shelves fixed to wall. Its also can be combined by lounge chair and rug. [casamodern]

At CasaModern, homeowners and interior designers alike will find different styles, brands and ideas in a premier online design resource for looking for modern and contemporary designer furniture. Architects, designers, trade professionals and discerning customers will find this resource helpful in evaluating rapidly changing interior design demands and home decor tastes of the Indian market.
More Living Room Furniture:
Room Designing with Chinese classic furniture | Modern living room with minimalist furniture | Elegant living room with minimalist furniture | Redesigned living room with furniture
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