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Random Thoughts on Pink Saturday 1/31/09

Friday, January 30, 2009

I want to remind you all to visit Beverly's site How Sweet the Sound and visit all the women who participate in Pink Saturday. You'll love all the PINK!

A shabby and chic little crown. Not just any crown, my sweet cherubs, but a PRINCESS CHICK CROWN. Yesssssss!!! It isn't very big either - only about 4" across and 5" tall. See my little chick? Hah.... It is painted and glitter sprinkled to look almost like a snow crown. It has roses.....squeeeeeeeeal(!)......and feathers and pearls and rhinestones and tissue paper garland and tulle netting in which the little pink chick rests........oh it's so froufrou-y!

Oh, and if anyone would like to buy it, get in contact with me through my Profile Page here on the blog. My email is listed there. I just try to make it a teensy bit harder for the spammers, chickadees! *Wink*.......... Ooooooh, and nuuuuuuuu, you can't wear it around the house; it's only for show on your shelves. Hah!!

Now on to other things on this glorious saturday morning, my sweet cherubs.

Some sweet ephemera valentines I received recently. It truly does remind me of when I was a child. These were the kind of valentines we sent and received. Aren't they quite adorable?


My latest shabby romantic little cottage birdhouse. Ain't she cute?

First of all, let me show you one of my favorite prints by artist, Chuck DeHaan. I think I've shown it before but didn't get a good photo of it because of where it was hanging and I was too lazy to take it down. Well, since we've repainted the walls pink I haven't put it back up yet so I got a pretty good shot of it today in my living room entry.

Most people express surprise because it's more western art than shabby romantic roses cottage but when I see or buy art it has to speak to my heart. Yes, this spoke to my heart when I found it in a little antique shop in Niles area of Fremont, Calif. when we lived there.

I see the Indian looking lovingly and reverently down at the little blue bird in the bottom right corner. It simply tugged at my heart and it has found its place in my home. And I love snow scenes! I hope you enlarge the photo to see it best.


Why is it that everyone on the road has to be first? They'll whiz by me and I'll see them at the stop light. I call it "hurry up and wait" because that driver has wasted more gas but didn't save one second of time since we're both sitting there waiting for it to change. I try to never hurry while driving. I just let all the nuts and zanies in front of me. That way they won't rear end me. Works for me.

I heard the other day a famous actor comment on how he and his wife have been married for 30 years and are still together because they don't speak the same language. Literally don't speak the same language. He only speaks english and she only speaks french. I guess they sort of understand each other. How sad. First that he didn't learn her language and second that she didn't learn his language. Sounds prideful to me, not to mention rude and not at all like it should be.

Love Bunny and I have lasted for almost 48 years because we DO speak the same language: love for each other. A novel approach perhaps or a truly humble couple??? Hmmmm........

There is definitely such a thing as an emergency run to the donut shop or to Michaels or Joanns. Trust me on this one.......please!

Nagging never seems to work very well for me. I think I should give it up and just deal with hubby doing it on his time frame and save myself the stress of nagging. It doesn't accomplish anything. And if after 40 years you see no progress then maybe it doesn't work like they told me it would. Ahhhhhhhhh, I feel less stressful already........

My friend called me the other day with this opening line: Wicked witch, how may I torture you. A very novel line I thought. But then she knows me quite well and knew I'd probably need a laugh about that time of day. Plus she needs me; I'm helping to raise her teenagers with my words of wisdom........well, I think they are since my kids are 45 and 46 and doing quite well!!

I saw a couple waiting at the doctor's office the other day with a baby in a camouflaged baby carrier. Now, can anyone tell me why a teensy baby would need to be in a camouflaged carrier?! I doubt there were any deer or moose lurking at the medical center. But ya never know, right?!

A person once accused me (lightheartedly) of flattery. I told her I never ever flatter; I only speak truth. If someone is pretty I let them know. I always tell children how gorgeous they are because THEY ARE. (Kid in my house ripping it apart while mum sits idly by is the exception. They are never invited back. That's a firm rule in my home.) But it almost suggests I'm lying. Now, why in the world would I lie by saying you're lovely, gorgeous, pretty or beautiful. I get nothing out of letting someone know they look better than me. Nooooo, I don't flatter, I speak truth when that person is beautiful, lovely, pretty or gorgeous.

The concept of growing old has never really taken hold with me. Just ask anyone who knows me or chats with me on the phone and hasn't ever met me in person. I'm a 20 year old at heart.......okay, maybe 25, but that's the absolute oldest I'll go! I am the poster chick for "I'm never gonna grow old"!

I think a study should be done on the effect of testosterone in the presence of power tools.

Love Bunny and I were chatting one morning and I asked him if he thought there would be food in heaven. He thought not, but wasn't sure. If there is no chocolate, truffles, oriental chicken salad, fish, shrimp, beans and coleslaw, cornbread, french bread with butter or Pepsi, then I'm not sure I'd wanna go.

Last sunday in Relief Society at church they were doing a "good news" moment. Everyone who has good news just shouts it out. I thought of raising my hand and saying, "I think my anti-wrinkle cream is working finally" but thought better of it. They'd probably throw me out because of either my levity or I'm starting to look pretty darn good, chicks. Hah.........

Now, if you want to see how truly blessed you are in this life, watch this video below. But you'd better have some tissues ready. This man is astounding and shows the true humility of man and the power of God. He is a blessing to be here on this earth and I praise his loving parents for not aborting him. He has a zest for life I don't see in many people! I, also, love life and never ask "why me?" or "if only" or "what if", I go on and make my happiness the best way I know how. I lead a charmed and blessed life.

Modern Japanese Style Livingroom for Guset Room

Friday, January 30, 2009

living room with minimalist furnitureOur best friend and collegue will stay in our house, it will be better if we remodel our living room by set the livingroom as convenience as possible, here are several modern Japanese style livingroom for guest room by Kazuhiro. Trust arises by displaying the weak side of the body. We can give a special shape place in a corner, and appreciate its beauty by turning modern Japanese style toward it. On above picture, there is a living room with minimalist furniture, and suitable for your home imrovement or as the sample of a house remodeling.
living room with minimalist furniture-storehouse furniture on wall

Slipinsleep, a futuristic, minimalist and modern bed

Friday, January 30, 2009

Look this futuristic, minimalist and modern bed!, named Slipinsleep, developed by pallucco, the headboard appears to be a continuation of the wall it rests against. Everything about the design is compact and the concealed legs add to the overall effect of lightness, almost creating the impression of floating in mid-air.

Black backround in modern home design for Home Theater

Friday, January 30, 2009

Here are several room design and minimalist design, the designs are used with black dominant color, we can apply this for home theater room, storage or library, and another functions.
Black backround in modern home design for Home Theater
Black backround in modern home design for Home Theater
Black backround in modern home design for Home Theater

Black backround in modern home design for Home Theater

What I'm Creating and Some Awards

Friday, January 30, 2009

I've been lax in posting some awards I've received, but I do schedule my posts out for weeks at a time. That actually gives me more time to do the things I want to do like craft and read and decorate if I can sit and just do several posts at a time and then schedule them out for weeks. So today I'm catching up. However, just a tease. I'm working on this below. I'll see how it turns out when I "clean it up" and actually do what I want to make with it. Stay tuned, chicks. :-)

This award is from Pat over at The Urban Chic in Louisiana cajun country. I posted a tribute to the great people of Louisiana many months ago and if you haven't read it go here to do so. I have not yet read a blog that I didn't think was creative and cannot pick out any one blog that is better than the others. So if you are reading this then grab it and put it on your blog. We are all creative, just in different ways. I love every single blog I see. So don't be shy because I couldn't possibly pick just one or 5 or 10; I'm picking every single blog to give this award to. And I'm very serious. We each have different talents we bring to blogs, some are visual and some are in the simple reading of the blog and the emotions it puts into our hearts. But they are all wonderfully Kreativ people. So snag it and go with it, chicks. And thank you PJ.....

Ann at Lifeatannsplace just notified me the award came from her. Thank you, Ann. I apologize again. I usually make a folder and put the awards in there until I can get to them, but something failed me that time I guess. You are so kind to award it to me and to let me know it was from you. Again, thanks, sweetpea. It's a hug award for being able to say the right thing at the right time. I wish I was really able to do it. I soooooo mess up frequently and open my big mouth when I shouldn't. I'm incorrigible, chicks....*Sigh*........

I'm ashamed to admit this but I've forgotten who gave me this one. I do apologize but I get so many things on this computer and occasionally I have a lapse of memory for my age (sometimes referred to as alzheimers, but we won't go there now, will we?!) and it just creeps in one ear and blows out the other ear. *Sigh*........ However, if you read this and are the one please let me know and I'll acknowledge you in a flash!

This award was given to my by Stephanie, my sister in heart, mind and spirit. I've known Steph for about 6 years now from when I started buying fabrics from her and she joined an ebay group I started later on. She's a sweetie and has the most wonderful mum, who is a true southern belle from the state of Texas. A kind and beautiful woman - both of them, I mean!

Again, I've never read a post on here I didn't love and gain some fraction of new knowledge or that hasn't touched my heart. So snag this award, chicks, post it and refer back to the person who you snagged it from - ME!! - and go for it. Give 'em attitude and gratitude for just bringing something special to you each day......uhhhhhh, that's if I DO, of course. DUH........ But I love so many blogs and surf each and everyday for new ones I've never seen and have met some of the absolutely friendliest and sweetest chicks ever on here.

Modern Door Design with Italian Style

Friday, January 30, 2009

door design sliding shojiIt's a simple blue door design, very suitable for office with modern building. The sliding door is adopted from Japanese door design 'shoji'.
door design sliding shojiAn unique wooden pressed door, a curve style door is an usual door design.
door design sliding shojiThis is another curve glass door, the glass material can be changed with metal or another material, a smart choice.
door design sliding shojiWooden sliding door, with a smart curve on the top of the door, a simple but complex style.

Top of 3 Modern Bathroom Interior Design

Friday, January 30, 2009

Adding several decorations in a bathroom is a fun work, we can adding a modern, traditional and maybe our favorite color or item, these are top 3 modern bathroom interior design.
Asian modern bathroom decoration, It is composed of modular elements and single elements. Structures and front are MDF coated with polymer oak, drawers are lacquered grey, feet and handles with shiny chrome finishings. Other color variations are available. Completely modular

Rialto Bathroom, It's a composed of modular elements and single elements. The glass top has an integrated "Former" transparent sink, structures and front are MDF coated with polymer oak, drawers are lacquered yellow, feet and handles with shiny chrome finishings. Other color variations are available. Completely modular.
OLA Bathroom, It has considerable versatility and modularity allowing to satisfy even the most demanding requests for customization and rationalization of spaces. It provides the use of a range of interesting materials and finishing that offer the opportunity to make different combinations of materials, including leather. [via-lombardelliarredamenti]

Paint the wall or use a wallpaper?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

wall painting
wallpaper installing
wallpaper installingThere are several ways to make your wall looks new, You can paint it or use a wallpaper. In painting wall, we need more cost to buy the paints, the most important thing is the choice of the color, it will be difficult to give more motive in wall painting.
Using a wallpaper is the fastest way to make our wall looks diferent, we can also put a special motive for our wall.

Shabby Sweet Birdhouse

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love to create these cute little birdhouses. I don't know what I'll do with them. I may sell them or maybe give them as gifts. But this one has roses fabric and a little chick on its perch and some vintage lace. And if you look closely at the last picture you can see the little fence I added. I put the roses in to look like they are growing on the fence. But the roof is my favorite part. I put a special white garland on it. Kinda shabby sweet, don't ya think?? *Smile*

Update on M.........

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To those of you who read this story about M I just wanted to update you. Or if you're a new reader, I'd suggest you go read this touching story also about this veteran.

I received word a week or so ago that M died. He was brought in to the hospital and his wife called my son who was on duty that night and he rushed down to the ER. M was so bad my son knew it wouldn't be long. I weep as I post this because of that young father leaving behind his 6 young children and a wife. I can't explain why this particular person and circumstance touched me so deeply but it has. Saying all the platitudes won't serve his family well at this point. All they know is that they won't have their father or hubby around.

Space Solution for minimalist or wide livingroom

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

See these are a several picture with a storage, this is a multiuse storage, This first picture is a romantic living room with pink color.romantic living room with pink colorThis is another bookcase or storage, we can use this hanging table to store more books, suitable for small house with minimalist concept. a creative storehouse furniture, smart and beautiful bookcase.
creative storehouse furniture, smart and beautiful bookcase
It's like a personal library, You can use a more woder space. Do your home improvement with this way, I guarantee that you can maximize your room space.
creative storehouse furniture, smart and beautiful bookcase

Giant Rocking Unusual Chair Bed

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Designed as an usual bed, this is "Private" cloud looks like a giant rocking chair, or to be more exact like a rocking bed. Feel a new experience especially for a couple, this private cloud is not a normal bed, it's something that wants to revolutionize every bedroom. The bed requires a little more space than a “normal” bed but I’m pretty sure that this bed can offer new experiences to everybody.

A Sweet Story and Pretty Plates

Monday, January 26, 2009

I found these plates the other day and just hung them. I'll post pictures of where they are later, but aren't they cute?? I adore each one - roses and chocolate.....just doesn't get any better than that!!


I had a doctor's appointment the other day to chat with my doctor and get refills for my prescriptions and just general chit chat to see how I am doing. I love my doctor. She's not only a beauty but she listens to me! Anyway, I had the blood work done early and went back after running some errands before the appointment.

When I got there a lady and man were checking in with the receptionist. (I'm trying my best to get through this without tears running down my face......and not succeeding very well, chicks! I haven't even told hubby this story because I'll lose it the minute I start telling it to him.)

Anyway, they looked to be about our age or maybe even a tad younger and he was a very handsome man. He stood with the aid of 2 crutches, the kind you put your lower arm through. He was dressed nicely, tall and distinguished - almost regal-bearing - and didn't utter a word the whole time. I noticed he shook a bit. She was conducting the sign-in for him and she was holding a very thick foam square pillow of about 10 or 12 inches. I wondered about it but when they were through registering they went to sit down. I signed in with the receptionist and watched them. She gently placed the pillow on a chair and helped him sit down. This took longer than it would for most people to sit.

I didn't want to stare but they were sitting to my right across from me and I couldn't help but notice the way she took his hand and held it. It was all I could do to not break down right then and there. I don't think anything touched me any deeper than that moment. It was so touching to watch her take care of her sweetheart. She held his hand and each finger while she gently massaged each one lovingly. Even now - 12 hours later - I can feel that love that knows no end of two people who just try to make it through life helping each other.

Marriage for me is for eternity and I hope and pray I'll have the patience and love that woman had today. I can't even put to words how beautiful that was. I think I was put there at that time to witness it to make me see the gift my hubby is to me.

It also makes me wonder where commitment is today in marriages. I see people get married and divorced so rapidly it's almost like "drive-thru" marriages and divorces. Hubs and I have stuck out many rough times but today marriages are just something they want to do until something "better" comes along or the "going gets rough." Then it's thrown out the back door. I feel truly sad for those people.

I knew a woman a few years back who had MS and her hubby left her when she got it. Just couldn't take it after being married for many years and having children. Just boggles my mind to see sacred covenants trashed so easily. I think he'll have to answer for his action some day.

But for me it transcends death even. I'll be with my sweetheart forever and while here on this earth I hope I have the courage and love that lady showed to me today by her actions toward her sweet husband. I weep for her but I doubt she feels it's any sacrifice at all. I pray I feel like that if I'm put in that position at some point in time. Hubby has told me he'll take care of me no matter what.

There may come a time when one of us is incapacitated and won't even know the other is there taking care of the other one, but the one doing the "care taking" will know and that's all that matters.

China Cabinet Has a New Look

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I finally got around to papering the inside of my china cabinet recently. I've been wanting to do it for some time now but other things keep cropping up. You wouldn't understand that now, would you???? Hmmm???? *Smile*

Anyway, Love Bunny told me if I ever used Mod Podge again on something and then asked him to "get it off" - meaning to sand it off - he was absolutely NOT going to do it. Sigh....... So I had to use regular ol' Tacky Glue to hold the paper up. Men!! Well, it seems to be holding up just fine and I bought about 25 sheets of it and only used about 11 or 12 of them. I plan on papering a little shelf in this office/computer room also. I find this the easiest way to do it while preserving my marriage.

The paper is PINK and a roses kind of swirly design. I didn't want to go overboard with the roses, ya know! LOL

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