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Greenhurst Nursery #4 & Pink Saturday

Friday, October 31, 2008

I made this little pin cushion the other day and decided to sell it. It's adorable and you can see it on my selling blog, La Maison Rose. Very nice price on it also, chicks. But in the mean time read the next installment of the nursery. ;-)


Also in the section with the western cowboy theme is a beach cottage theme across the room . They were working in there that day setting up Christmas displays and asked me to please not go beyond that. I follow directions implicitly since they were kind enough to allow me to take pictures. So I had to get some "long distance" pictures and then only a few.

This little display was in the western section. Notice it has some little indian and old west figures. Charming kind of prim figures. But they were cute and I thought you'd enjoy seeing them.

Here is an old outhouse. I don't know if it's a vintage one or replica and I didn't particularly want to find out! But it's still adorable. I especially like the "reflect" sign hanging on the back of the house. But that bark basket on the left was really stunning if you're into native american themes. Pass the root beer and give me a decorating magazine and I'd probably never leave this little place.

This little "hut" could be a storage shed in my back yard! I love it. One of the workers in the nursery is in the background.

This large Christmas tree was behind the outhouse and is PRETTY BIG. It's decorated with huge signs in the tree, tackle box, canoe, a bucket, gold pine cones and regular pine cones, little houses, a fishing net plus all the regular little glittery bulbs you'd expect to see on a Christmas tree. Just so adorable.

Just one of dozens of chandeliers they have in there in all decorating styles. I thought this was was exceptionally pretty.

One of their decorators caught off guard. ;-) She was very gracious. Here you can see the beach cottage style a bit, but as I said I couldn't go back in there. Lovely blues were peeking out in places though. I think I caught a couple of photos "long distance" however.

A little beach cabana! I would simply love to have this little jewel. It says it will seat 3 but let me tell ya, chicks, there would NOT be 3 of us in there - just me and Love Bunny!!! Truly, I'm going to have to go back there and check out the price on that little cabana. I really love it! Did you notice the little "windows" for privacy?!?!? All sort of nautical items await someone to just drop in and sit down. Nope, wait a second........yep, I can make out the price in my original photo and I don't think hubs will spring for it. *Sigh*..................

Yep, I caught a few items in the beach cottage display through the spaces in there. This lamp reminds me of something my mother would have purchased in the 50s. It's very modern in its design but I can see it in a contemporary house.

This picture right here is for Rhea! I thought of my sweet friend the moment I saw these ceramic dishes in this color. I think she'd be drawn to it. Looks like something the archaeologists would have unearthed in Pompeii. If I had a place for that pot I'd buy it but I'd have to buy hubs another train probably in exchange for it. Ain't happening, chicks! He's gotten 2 new ones in the last 6 months.

I simply adore finials - small, large or LARGER! They just speak to my heart but then a lot of things speak to this heart. They already have the oxidized finish which is one of my favorite finishes. I just love the patina of it.

That's it for this time around. We've just scratched the surface in these posts. I still have 180 photos to show to you. More style coming up with surprises also. Just hang in there and relax and dream about living in this place!

Greenhurst Nursery #3

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I wanted to get this area of the room from another perspective for you. Look at all those lovely flowers that will NEVER EVER die on you. Darling wicker table and chair set - the kind that looks substantial, sturdy and vintage. Frogs and statuary covered with moss. Religious statuary for gardens also.

Same room from another vantage point. Look at the unique ornaments, the statuary, faux plantings and the little table top greenhouse on the shelf.

I was determined to get some close ups of the flowers for you. These are so real looking. They look a bit like roses but I don't think they are but I'm not sure what to call them. I'm not an expert on flowers; I just LOVE them!

Okay, all you shabby chic romantic chicks, get out your can of white spray paint and grab those pine cones out of the trees and start spritzing! Wouldn't those be lovely in a bowl with some paper roses strewn about?! I'm going to be looking at doing this. I love the juxtaposition of the "rugged" with the "delicate".

We now go across the aisle to the "cowboy" room. It's darling!!!!!! Look at this tree! It's not green but mostly pine needles that look dead. Chili peppers. Covered wagon ornaments. Cowboy boots. Old trunk you'd see on a covered wagon. Signs that say "staff trailer, bonanza, round up, wild west." Ostrich feather sprouting out of the top. I've never seen anything like it. Just truly CUTE!!

I'd love having this chair anywhere in my house. I'd hang that sign for Love Bunny also!!

Would you just look at these light switch plates?!?! They are adorable. Some are verdigris and some are moss covered - all faux, of course.

Okay, chicks, take a lesson from this sign and not go into debt. One of my favorite mottos. ;-)

And drawer pulls in a western motif. Fish, garden tools, birdhouse, watering can, wood bark looking one, leaves, pine cone, swirls and twigs, insect and even a ROSE!! I may go back for this one. LOL

And lastly, here are the two chairs I painted and added my roses to the backs. I'm happy with them. They were for the patio out back but I think I'll keep them in here for the winter - one to use for my painting desk chair and the other one to use in my craft/sewing room chair.

Blend of Functionality and Art in Bathroom Decoration

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A blend of art and functionality of bathroom decoration into the bathrooms through high-end bathroom products which combine beautiful shapes with decorative elements, patterns and prints in vivid colors. An excellent example of the trend is Kos, a beautiful modern bathroom collection by Nova Linea. The collection features a simple, yet striking combination of both beautiful curved shapes and straight, sharp lines which combined create a really modern feel, further embellished by beautiful decorative patterns. Featuring a strong contrast of simple shapes and rich decorative patterns as well as color, and ridden of any excess details, such as cabinet door handles which could only disturb the harmony of elements, the beautiful and bold Kos compositions will easily steal the spotlight in any bathroom.

Sewing While Hubs Is Gone

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I got so many requests to make that little camera bag for a couple of chicks that I decided to make another one to sell. Weeelllll, I liked it too much so I'm keeping it! I made it a tad larger and I can get my wallet in there while shopping, hang it around my neck for security and still look shabby chic and girly! LOL

Greenhurst Nursery #2

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stepping out of the conservatory back into another "room" we see all this wonderful stuff that looks so real you almost cut up the celery for your dressing on thanksgiving day! Even the leaves have the coloration of the real celery. Only feeling it gives it away.

Just one of many trees in this store. There's a cowboy tree I can't wait for you to see, but that's a bit later in the posts, my chickadees!! Just you wait. Hah..... I'm such a tease, but I don't want you to rush through it. I want you to savor the lusciousness of it and linger peacefully. I can't describe how beautiful this tree is in person though. They had a red rubber hose wrapped around it and garden implements, tulips, amaryllis, rusty ornaments and feathery plants stuck on the top as decorations on this tree! Just stunning!!!!

And pottery???? Oooooh my, just some of the most beautiful pots and statuary ever.

Remember these real looking plants are faux and so real looking you only know by touch! There are so many hanging racks of the most beautiful and unique ornaments that I couldn't count them all..... dozens though. Remember, this isn't a Christmas store; this is a NURSERY! I could spend a whole day in here easily.

Another beautiful arrangement. Look at the enlargement to see all the "fluff" around it: little birds, candles looking like leaves, faux bird eggs, moss covered statuary, that carrot pitcher in the background on a shelf, the CHICKENS!!!!!! Squeeeeeeal.... You all know how I love chickens!

Clocks were everywhere in this place. French looking ones, shabby ones, cowboy ones, just absolutely stunning. If I bought another clock though Love Bunny would shoot me for sure. I may have to overrule him though. I love clocks and have some rooms with 2 or 3 in them. Yep, true. Notice the vintage toy trucks, outdoor sink, CHICKENS(!) and faux fruit and plants.

Notice the vintage looking trogs up in the corner, the weathered looking clock, a faux sack of grain with plants coming out of it. This would look beautiful in a garden in our front yard. ;-) (Make note to self: sweet talk hubby when he gets home from his train club today, should be in very good mood!) ;-)

Same shelf, just different view. Lower down the shelving.

Just faux balls of greenery. Don't know what it is supposed to be but I do know it's beautiful. Notice they have different flooring throughout the nursery store. Rock, gravel, wood slatting that the dirt can be swept down through. My kinda floor, sweets!

That white "sun" plate on the wall would look wonderful on my living room walls when they get painted pink. I may have to get that one to hang high on the cathedral ceiling.

Remember, nothing real at all in this room. All faux but so real you won't know it until you touch. I did a LOT of touching this day! *Smile*.................

New Camera for Love Bunny

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Last weekend hubby had a model train open house at his club. It's a "once-in-a-lifetime" event, he said. Riiiiiiiiight, but no matter. He took some pictures during it and wanted to include them in a press release he'd written for our local paper. When he downloaded them the next day, he walked into the family room and asked me to come see and I knew something was wrong. The pix were there but they were blank. I thought at first the lighting was bad but editing them produced no results and he assured me the lights were all on for the crowd that attended. There were no pix. He was devastated. I truly hate to see him so disappointed but there was nothing I could do to salvage anything. Soooo last night we went to WM and bought him a new camera. We always have 2 of cameras, computers, that kind of thing in this house! Mainly because he uses one sometimes and I'm using mine just about every single day and I don't share!! ;-) Anyway, I gave him the old camera bag, which I had made and made myself a new one. Thought you'd like to see the results. I've lovin' it......that quilted roses fabric is my favorite "thick quilted" fabric. Plus it stores my 2 extra batteries, the instruction booklet and an extra memory card - just in case. All contained in about 7" x 6". But it sure made a cute camera bag instead of one of those black bags on the market. I live my life beautifully in all ways, chicks.

Greenhurst Nursery #1

Monday, October 27, 2008

Greenhurst Nursery is a wonderful nursery on Happy Valley Road (yep, truly is the name of the road) in our town and I have to say it's one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. I'm going to take you on a tour of it in the next several weeks - with other posts thrown in, but this is definitely worth the tour. You'll see things in this nursery that you've probably never seen in another nursery. They have a website now if you'd like to visit it: Greenhurst Nursery.

I love going to this place, and it's where we buy all our plants and trees and a few other things as you'll see over the course of the next several weeks.

A week ago today - saturday - Love Bunny and I went there to buy a gardenia plant and they were readying the store for Christmas. I thought why not ask them if I can photograph the inside of this wonderful place. I asked one of the women there who I think is a manager or at least someone who would have the authority to "yea or nay" me and after a look of several seconds passing she said "yes"!! I was thrilled. So during the week I decided that friday next would be the best time for me. I wanted to look like I hadn't just stepped out of the mud in the yard, which is generally the way I travel to the nursery, my sweet cherubs!! So I went in and asked another person or two who looked to be "in charge" and again the permission was given. I thank them profusely for giving me the permission to share this wonderful place with you. No rock music at this place; it's mostly classical or at least soothing music for the plants. That in itself draws me to this peaceful haven.

I took 225 photos friday and will only share a few at a time because it would take forever to load my page if I did that. So sit back and enjoy the tour. I can promise you that you won't be disappointed at the end. This ain't your mother's old time nursery, chicks! :-) Bear in mind I had no control over the lighting of the place - just control of my camera as much as I could adjust to lighting of various sorts: incandescent, florescent and lamps and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. In other words, I did the best I could, my little chicks! (Ooooh, and of course, you get my whimsical and witty descriptions of the place!)

The first place I headed was the conservatory. It was a cold day with bright sunshine but in the conservatory it was toasty warm and filtered light though the "walls" and top.

It has a pond as you walk in so I got it from 2 different vantage points. You really need to click to enlarge the photos for them to see the pennies little kids must have thrown into the pond, but also to see this place in all its glory. Every plant in here is live. In no other part of the nursery store is anything "live"; it's all fake or as I prefer to call them: faux. Keep that in mind; it's very important. Live here only; rest fake! Outside all the plants are alive obviously! Get it???? *Sigh*............. LOL

Next 2 photos are orchids.

This little spot is where we found our gardenia plant also. Some are gardenias here and some are azaleas I believe.

Don't you just love that little shabby plant stand?!?! Squeeeeeeal......... Ya think they'd notice me carrying it out on my back? Hmmmmmm. I'd leave the plants there, of course. ;-)

Tropical plants remind me of when we lived in San Diego and went to Old Town to a mexican restaurant and ate out among the banana trees. Truly a special time for us.

Introducing Mr. Frog..........

Are these the 2 resident mascots??? I don't know. Maybe. I asked for their names but the lady told me she didn't think they had names. I call them Mr. Blue and Mr. Yellow. Not sure if they guys or chicks though!! Hah..........

Bonsai plant/trees

And this is just a "tease" of what's to come in the next weeks ahead. You'll be surprised at all you'll see, my sweet chicks. "Wink"!!...........


Now for something different. A little hanging wall pocket
A new little pocket I have for sale on my selling blog: La Maison Rose

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